Red screens - Cobalt for PC

Since a few weeks, I can't work with ETC Cobalt on PC, because of these red screens on almost all menus..! I have the same thing with v7.2.0, v7.3.0, v7.3.1 !

Does anybody have an idea ? I thought this was due to my NVIDIA drivers, but it's up-to-date..

Thanks !


OS : Windows 10

NVIDIA Drivers : 376.19 (12/05/2016)

Cobalt : v7.3.1

  • Yes, this is a graphics driver problem.

    I have seen this before with some versions of graphics drivers.
    In my experience nVidia/ATI have occasionally broken something in a driver update, but they've always fixed it quickly.

    I'd recommend rolling back your graphics drivers to nVidia's previous certified release, that is likely to resolve the issue.
    I am sure that they will issue another update shortly to fix it again.
  • I've had the same issue for a few weeks and been updating Nvidia drivers about once a week with no joy. Running 376.19 as of now.
    Same issue occurs on Congo v6.4.1, so it is definitely a driver thing, as both Congo and Cobalt did used to work on my system.

  • Hi,

    The latest drivers 376.88 still have this problem.
    Today I rolled back the nvidia driver on my laptop and I had to go back all the way to 365.19 (13 May 2016) to get rid of the red from the tabs.

    Driver versions that have the problem are at least from 372.54 to 376.88. I didn't test versions between 365.19 and 372.54.

    Use this page to find older drivers than what you can find on


  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to Oskar Krogell1
    Thanks for the version number !

    But I hope they will fix it soon...!
  • Hello, Ive seen this on here before however, I was not able to use the driver they had suggested.

    Im running Cobalt V7.3.1 on my Windows 10 64bit PC, when running Cobalt, all looks fine until I need to use menus.

    The Live tab and all other menus/tables/lists seem to have all the elements in the menu as a block of red. (see picture)

    According to the previous thread I found, it was due to a graphics card driver issue, However, the driver they suggested that worked, was a laptop driver, Im working on a desktop. Because of this I've going back to older versions of the nVidia Drivers yet have not been able to fix the problem.

     I have a show coming up soon and really need the software for pre-programming

    Has anyone had this before and know what driver version works? or does anyone have any solutions or any more knowledge about this? Is it something I should contact nVidia about?


    Windows 10 Home

    nVidia Geforce GTX 760 (Current Driver Version: 382.33)

    Cobalt 7.3.1

  • From ETC Support:

    "It would seem that NVidia have broken OpenGL v1 support at some point last year, and have yet to fully fix their drivers (we are not sure they will fix this because OpenGL v1 is now some 10 years old).

    We will be moving to OpenGL v3.2 with the release of Cobalt 8, so this would be the ultimate future resolution for this. However for now I would recommend that you roll back to a much earlier driver."
