Cobalt ETC Nomad for mac and Touch OSC problems...

Hi everybody,

I've tried for a few days to control Cobalt on my mac with a smartphone, I don't find the solution here, but maybe someone can help me ?

I have a Macbook Pro (10.12.2), with Cobalt and dongle ETC Nomad, TouchOSC Bridge.

The smartphone is a Sony Xperia Z2 and TouchOSC 1.9.8

I've tried with a router and with a shared connexion from my phone.

I want to notice that it works with Dlight, so for me, the both devices can communicate, and I think the problem could be my cobalt configuration ?

But I've tried plenty of possibilities without any success... Maybe in UDP Strings ? But I've tried: in : 8000 / out : 7000 with the ip adress of my smartphone and: in : 7000 / out : 8000 with the same ip adress.


Thanks for your help !



  • I don't generally use cobalt but you shouldn't need touchosc bridge unless you are using midi controls somewhere. You should be able to point your touchosc device to the ip address of your computer and the computer to the ip address of the device if you want feedback. The bridge software is used to connect software that doesn't do osc directly.
  • You need to swap the ports. The outgoing port of touch OSC needs the same number as the incoming of cobalt
  • I have testing this configuration for Cobalt in my Windows boot and it working well.
    But I don't understand why not for mac... I've compared both configuration and I don't see any difference, even if there is more network options in Cobalt settings Windows version.
    Thank you for the advices, I can at least use it for check and focus in windows boot, then use mac version for show.

    If anyone has a solution, I'm interested. Just to understand !


  • Hello,
    I have the same problem as you with TouchOsc and Cobalt on Mac OSX 10.11.6 and PC on Windows 7x64.
    Did you find a solution ?
    I noticed with the Mac that some OSC message still works, as for example the control of the SubMaster.
    That means communication is done, but some messages are not well interpreted.
    Thank you for your help,
  • Obviously the RFR remote has the same kind of problem with the mac
Reply Children
  • I use the latest version of Cobalt in, and I realize that unlike the PC the MAC is unable to display the menu of the list of remotes.