effect Playbacks remember incorrect settings.



I am using Congo Senior 2008 with cobolt 7.3.1


I have problem with efffect playbacks.  Sometimes when i am using cobalt, playbacks changes

chases by itself.  I don't know why.

Today i have happened twice during 2 our of rehersal..  It is very frustrating.


I noticed this issue allready on a Congo Junior (2008-2009) with cobolt ver 7.2. one year ago. 


Every time after restarting the desk, all my playbacks have incorrect settings. both chases and Rate values.


Please Help.

  • Hi Qualmos,

    could you please check in Browser->General Settings->Play Settings->Masters

    if the Setting "Auto-Update Master Page" is enabled?

    This will allow the playback Information on Masters

    to be saved there to the Show.

    You may also Need to check

    in the tab "Effects" that Effect Parameters is enabled:

    I hope that helps.


  • Hello..

    Thanks for answering.

    Those settings where allready set. They matched with your suggestions.

    Just to be clear. I am not talking about masters. I have trouble with effect playbacks.

    Thanks / Fredrik
  • The [Setup] > "Effects" > "Remember Effect Parameters" option is the important one.
    With this ON, the Effects will have the same parameter values when the show is loaded as they had when the show was saved.
    - This is not necessarily their HOME position (probably isn't)

    Effect Playbacks are just like moving lights.

    If you Record their values into a Preset or Cue they will change to those values when you play back the Preset or Cue.

    Also, just like with moving lights, [HOME]ing the Effect Playbacks will also put them back to their Home position.

    The default Home may not be what you want, so you can re-record the Effect Playback HOME values:

    • Set them as required
    • Select all the Effect Playbacks
    • [Record] & [Home]
  • Where are you saving the effect playback info? If not to a Master, then a preset or Cue?
    The Effects Playback are not a target location rather a keyboard to adjust parameters. If those parameters are changed anywhere else they will change in Playback.

    Once you have the desired effect created in effect playback you have to record it somewhere - like a preset or cue or master.
  • Okey. maybe that make sense then.

    So to shut of the function that remebers the Load-show-values, i should uncheck the "remeber effect parameter" - box.
    I will try that now.

    I am aware of the Home + record and Home + effect proceedure.
    I have used that to work against the fact that the desk changes the playback settings.

    We will see if this change will take effect.

    To be 100% clear.
    I work with playbacks from the perspective that i never change effect parameters during the show.
    This is because i was afraid that this problem would apear.
    So i have as many playbacks as different chasers. i never use the same playback different settings such as chase or rate values.

    ohh.... by the way.  this matter is only regarding CHASERS. I have not used CONTENT OR DYNAMIC OR IMAGE Effects. 

    Many many thanks for helping me out with this matter.

  • Okey. maybe that make sense then.

    So to shut of the function that remebers the Load-show-values, i should uncheck the "remeber effect parameter" - box.
    I will try that now.

    I am aware of the Home + record and Home + effect proceedure.
    I have used that to work against the fact that the desk changes the playback settings.

    We will see if this change will take effect.

    To be 100% clear.
    I work with playbacks from the perspective that i never change effect parameters during the show.
    This is because i was afraid that this problem would apear.
    So i have as many playbacks as different chasers. i never use the same playback different settings such as chase or rate values.

    ohh.... by the way.  this matter is only regarding CHASERS. I have not used CONTENT OR DYNAMIC OR IMAGE Effects. 

    Many many thanks for helping me out with this matter.

  • Hello.

    One day after last night it seams that the unboxing did the trick.

    Just one thought though.
    I try to send a request from this thread.

    * Would it be possible to change the title of this checkbox.
    You see. we discussed this at work and everybody guessed that the purpose of

    "remember effect parameter" stands for that it remeber your changes.

    If it it actually rembers a default setting at a state at "load of show".
    The title maybe should be:

    "Rembember effect settings at load of show" or "start of show"
    alt. "remeber effect parameters when loading show"

    I think that maybe are a little bit more clear?

    Thanks for all help. =)