Updating a Congo running Cobalt 7.1 [Answered]


I have a Congo Jr running Cobalt v7.1.1 but the fixtures that I am needing  to patch aren't in the Templates Library. 

I have tried updating the software to v7.3.1 in the hope that it'll pull across the library with it (I know that the one's I need are in the 13.5.4 library) but there is no option in my settings screen to update the software; just to Upgrade the desk or to update the firmware. Am I being incredibly dumb?? 

If i'm unable to update at this time, is there a way for me to just load the library without updating the software too? 

Thank you!

Adam x


[Edited to indicated question answered]
[edited by: AdamBattey at 3:18 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Feb 18 2018]