ArtNet "Directed Broadcast" not selectable (Cobalt V8)



Cobalt v8 doesn't save the ArtNet setting in "Outputs protocols" when I'm trying to set it to "Directed Broadcast". It's always resetted to "Limited Broadcast" when I close the settings window. 

I'm actually trying to connect Cobalt with Wysiwyg using ArtNet, and it was working on previous versions of Cobalt. The only thing which changed is this ArtNet Broadcast setting.

Or is there any other way to connect Cobalt and Wysiwyg ?



Parents Reply
  • Is Cobalt set to send Draft or Released sACN - check in Network Settings next to where you enable sACN?

    Can you post a photo of the Network Settings for the Cobalt Software?

    Is sACN set to receive Draft or Released sACN in sACNview Software?

    I am using Cobalt v8 on my Win7 Laptop and also sACNview v2.0.1 and am seeing the sACN from Cobalt Uni 2 address 1 arriving.

    So it should work if all settings are correct.

    Which Version of sACNview are you using?
