Some quick things about 8.1


First of all: nice update! love the new DS Flow, S keys and that fades on backup desk works without lag.

Talking about backup desks and faders... The Range problem seems to still bee there?! Running a JR and a Nomad (Non of them have Range button) I tried to use the Range button on the "Build in" console and it didn't do any thing. also tried with a Magic Sheet button on the nomad but no luck. I still would love to have the option to use different masters on the main and backup.

I found a little graphics glitch on the Nomad when changing pages in Master View wile in session. the masters turn black (color) but comes back if you scroll a little.

Still no key command for Trackball P/T? Maybe bring back the Parameter button from Congo desks? and let us use it on Magic sheets, OSC and the S-buttons? I found the "Trackball" buttons in the S-Keys, but they do not activate Trackball P/T. So far the only way I found to activate Trackball P/T is by clicking on it.

I'm sorry for sounding negative, I think you added and improved some nice things. and i'm sad I didn't have the time to join the beta this time.

This is my feels after a very short time with 8.1. Will do some more in the weekend.

Thanks! Johannes

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  • That's to bad. But what about the "Trackball parameter mode"; Trackball Mouse mode" and "Trackball Display Mode" can they be "re-mapped" so that they work? If I understand it right "Trackball P/T" is the same as "Trackball Parameter Mode" was on the old Congo. And if they was working they could be put on a master button, a macro or OSC and then I could remote control them! 

    I'm successful with my attempt to use a Handcontroller from computer games to focus and select lights. But I want to use a wireless controller so I can be centered in the room while focusing wile my desk is off center. but then I need a way to turn on and off the "focus with mouse" and with a macro/button/osc I could do that on a OSC remote.

    But right now it's a good complement to a nomad laptop if you don't have encoders.

  • Hi, I have looked some more into this. Many of the Sr Trackball buttons still work (left/right for example). However, actually using the trackball for Pan/Tilt in Sr worked because the Sr front panel sends Congo specific messages that has nothing to do with the Windows mouse handling. Overriding the Windows mouse handling to do something similar with a standard mouse/trackball in the way you want is difficult. I think the Arduino solution is probably the most reasonable way forward. 

  • ok. cool. then we know! thanks for looking in to it Anders. 

    As I did say the controller works fine and as long it's used for extra on a nomad where I can press the screen it's totally fine.

    Have to see if I will do the Arduino joystick to. would be cool with a "universal" that have the software in the box and not need it on the computer.
