Wish! fixture replacement!


One big thing I feel Cobalt is missing against other consoles is a easy way of replace fixtures. 

Today there is no easy way to change a mac101 for a Robe ledbeam 150 or so. With the Pallets not changing forcing you to re-record all of them. 

I feel you need your own rig to tour a Cobalt today if you not run dim only.

Or have I missed something?


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  • that's not the problem, but you get only intensity and pallets recorded by "Each device" Color pallets that are recorded by device type records the template and not ch number. so you have to re-record all colors if you swap one RGB par for another RGB par. 

    I know some light desk manufacturer let you patch the layout between two spots for example. that your old gobo slot 1 is now gobo slot 3 in the new device. so that the breakup gobo still is a breakup gobo.

  • You want an "universal palette" like GrandMA2 ?

    On tour, if I replace a led device by another led device of another manufacturer , Cobalt try to make the same color, the problem is if a parameter missing like white, need to be released recorded. 

    Cobalt record the color value, for a Gobo I never tried 

  • That is how you record the pallet. Normally cobalt record color pallet "by fixture type". Meaning all fixtures of the same type get the same values. this do not work on focus pallets where you need to record "by device" or all will have same pan/tilt values and it will look weird. "By device" recorde the values to the channel number so they transfer to the new one but the "by fixture type" connects to the template so if you add more you get the same color on them. A work around is then to record all colors "by device" but then you need to have all lights marked and in the right color when recording. 

    The pallets with the red circle will not change if I change the device. they are bound to the template and not the channel. And there is no way to tell the desk that you changed all auras to robe 600.
