Choppy Fades


I'm having issues with choppy fades/dimming using Gadget 2 and Cobalt.  If I run in EOS everything is smooth.  The best way to describe it is let's say EOS uses 100 steps for dimming but Cobalt looks like it uses maybe 30 or 40 so it looks choppy. Not actual numbers of course but dimming definitely looks choppy in Cobalt.  Any ideas what may be causing this?



Parents Reply
  • I haven't had a chance to grab a screenshot yet but do you think maybe the choppiness is from the profiles for the fixtures I have?  I have 2 Chauvet 4Bars (15 channel mode) and 2 Venue TriStrips (14 channel mode), both are in the library to patch but not sure if something is off compared to EOS.  I'm having the same issue with both types of fixtures.
