congo kid to qlab 4

i want to send go from congo kid with cobalt V8.1 to the qlab4 software, i have a router between my console and my mac. I can't seem to find the right syntax to put in a macro to trigger via OSC or UDP.
Thanks for your help

  • i can't help you with the cobalt side, but the osc string you want to send is /cue/x/start (where x is the cue number). this is the syntax that qlab expects.

    this will have to be sent to qlabs IP address, port 53000.

    and on the qlab side you have to enable OSC control. in qlab setup you only have to activate OSC by ticking the option at the top, you don't have to assign any osc strings in the long list below.

  • i can't help you with the cobalt side, but the osc string you want to send is /cue/x/start (where x is the cue number). this is the syntax that qlab expects.

    this will have to be sent to qlabs IP address, port 53000.

    and on the qlab side you have to enable OSC control. in qlab setup you only have to activate OSC by ticking the option at the top, you don't have to assign any osc strings in the long list below.
