Modifying attributes in preset-list

I recently updated our Congo JR to the latest version ( In the old version it was possible to edit attribute values (fan, speed, colour etc.) directly by pressing "Preset", "Attributes" and then arrowkey to the box I wanted to change, enter a new value and press "modify". This function was activated by pressing "setup"+"tab" and ticking a box. 

With this updated version, when pressing  "setup"+"tab" there is no such box to tick. Instead the only way I found to modify these values was to activate the concerned channels, change the attributes with the weel controls and press update. Messy when I want to change attributes in other scenes during a rehersal.

Does anyone know of a way to change the settings to work like the older version?



Parents Reply
  • Thank you for your reply.

    I just tried as you suggested and was able to tick the box, but it didn't do any difference. I still can't change any of the fan, colour or colour speed values directly in the editor (working with scroller rolls right now). Neither in "Live"- "Attributes" or in "Preset"- "Attributes". The only way I can change the values is by activating the channels live and change them on stage. 

    Is there anything else I could try?


