Radio Remote Focus Unit


We own a RRFU for the Expression family and i wonder if anyone can tell me if it will work on Congo.

The text for the buttons will not be the same. But will it work.


A Nilsson

  • Technically the RRFU will work with Congo, however the keys are layed out very differently.  It will not damage the desk in any way if you want to try it.  If you are going to experiment with the RRFU, I would suggest trying it with a new play file.

    Functionally I would defiantly suggest investing in the CRRFU.  It will work much better for you.


    Benjamin Smith

    [edited by: Benjamin Smith at 9:11 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 10 2007]
  • Same question, but with a wired RFU...will it still work?

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to lidgett

    The Wired Expression RFU will not work with congo.

     The LCD Screen will display "Waiting for Communication" on the LCD Screen.

    Congo Client Software, CRRFU (Congo Radio Remote Focus Unit), and the Phone remote is the only ETC Approved way of remotely controlling the Congo Console.

    -Benjamin Smith

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to lidgett

    The Wired Expression RFU will not work with congo.

     The LCD Screen will display "Waiting for Communication" on the LCD Screen.

    Congo Client Software, CRRFU (Congo Radio Remote Focus Unit), and the Phone remote is the only ETC Approved way of remotely controlling the Congo Console.

    -Benjamin Smith

  • I noticed in the manual you are also able to use a Avab Lynx fader wing, which would at least give you a remote Go and master faders, which is what I usually need the RFU for.  My question is, can you even get these anymore, and if so, how long is the APN cable to connect to the console?

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • Hi there -

     Avab Lynx panels are not available in the US, and if they were they would only be compatible with the Congo console (which has the APN connector).

    I would recommend looking into a MIDI fader board - Congo and Congo jr are controllable via MIDI input so you could customize one of these controllers to do pretty much anything you would like to do.




  • Hi there,

    I'm working with the congo v4.3 and we have the cRRFU remote. I was wondering where I can find out about using it with presets, groups, and other basic functions. I've looked in the manual and it says that instructions were packaged separately with the unit but I have been unable to find them. Any information would be much appreciated.

    Also, do you still offer training for the congo?




  • Hello -

    Here are the instructions from the Congo v5.1 online help system. Please note that At Mode operation is not supported in versions earlier than v5.1. Also, I believe that the separate remotes field did not get added until the v5.0 release, so interactions of the remote and the main console are shared, including recording. I highly recommend playing with your remote and your console for a bit to understand how they interact before doing a lot of remote work in v4.3 software. (Congo v4.3 is a quite old version - if it's possible I would recommend updating to the newest version - v5.1 - available for free download here.)

    Thanks -


    cRRFU Operating Instructions

    The transmitter has two available commands for each key on the unit.

    Direct commands are displayed above each key. To access the commands that are displayed vertically to the left of each key, press the [FUNC] key first (do not press and hold [FUNC]).

    An example of mixing direct and [FUNC] commands to record channels 1-5 at 75% into Preset 5 follows:

    [1] [CHAN] [5] [THRU] [7][5] [@ LEVEL] [5] [FUNC] [RECORD]
    Function Key Feedback

    Select a channel

    [#] [CH]

    Channel is selected

    Add channels

    [#] [THRU]
    [#] [FUNC] [+]

    Channels are added to selection

    Substract channels

    [#] [FUNC] [-]

    Channels are subracted from selection

    Select Group

    [#] [FUNC] [Group]

    Channels in Group # are selected

    Select All

    [FUNC] [All]

    Selects all channels with a level that were set from the remote

    Set to Full

    [FUNC] [100%]

    Levels for the selected channels are set to full

    Set to 0%

    [FUNC] [0%]

    Levels for the selected channels are set to zero

    Set to level

    [#] [@Level]

    Level # is set for selected channels

    Increase/decrease levels

    [FUNC] [+%]
    [FUNC] [-%]

    Levels for the selected channels are changed up/down. Hold the [+%] or [-%] keys to have the channel fade up/down.

    Check mode

    [FUNC] [Check+]
    [FUNC] [Check-]

    Steps to the next/last channel using the level

    See Check mode (add link to "Channels - Check Mode" chapter)


    [FUNC] [Go/Goto]

    Next crossfade is started

    GO Back

    [FUNC] [Go Back]

    Crossfades to the previous step

    GOTO a preset/step

    [#] [FUNC] [Go/Goto]

    Crossfades to preset # or step # (depending on the  GOTO jumps to setting in Setup)

    Record preset

    [#] [FUNC] [Record]

    Records Preset # into the Preset List. Only the levels set from the remote are recorded



    Updates the preset that was last activated from the remote

    Load levels from Preset

    [#] [FUNC] [Preset]

    Levels from Preset # are loaded into A

    Clear number input


    Clears numbers input

    Clear remote field

    [FUNC] [All] [FUNC] 

    Clears all channels turned on from remote

    Using Check mode from channel 1 onward:

    [1] [FUNC] [100%] then [FUNC] [Check+] then [FUNC] [Check+]

    At Mode
    If a console is set to work in At Mode, channel selection functions on the remote behave differently. For example:

    • Set channels 1 thru 5 to 55%: [1] [THRU] [5] [@Level] [5] [5]
    • Set channels 11 thru 14 at full: [11] [THRU] [14] [FUNC] [100%]

    Number entry after [@Level] is a two digit entry. If you only enter one number, you can press [C] to end level entry.

    When RECORDING only levels from the remote are recorded, not the whole stage output.

  • Oh, and regarding the training question - where are you located?

    Thanks much -


  • Hey Sarah,

    thanks! thats just what I needed.

    I'm located in Chicago....but might be able to travel depending on the dates.

    Thanks again!



    ~Mike Lamont

  • Hi

    We also have an Avab Lynx fader wing and I've got he same question. How long is the APN cable to connect to the Congo console at the max and is just connect the Lynx wing to the console or we have to do something more???

    [edited by: Pedro Alves at 10:50 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 20 2009]
  • Hi Pedro,

    If your Congo console has a physical APN connector, you should be able to just connect the Lynx panel and operate it without any further actions.

    The APN cable should be less than 100 m long.


  • It should also be noted that for the remote to work in v5 (and above) it needs to be enabled in system setup, for every show. I can't find this documented anywhere, but our remote would not work after upgrading and I had to browse through the setup page looking for the proper box to check...

  • If you go the soft select key screen on the console and hit misc and than remotes it bring up the remote tab.. this is using v 5.1
