Congo tutorials

My Congo tutorial download only brings up smartfade software selection. Why is there so little videos n Congo on YouTube. And last but not least my off line soft ware doesn't have a mimic console tool bar or allows me to change any options like fade times, number of fixtures etc. I have read a lot f good about Congo jr but I have little confidence in the support for it if I can't even get a decent series of tutorial videos or get the software to wor.

  • The "Console Mimic" is what we call a "Dock" in Congo.

    To see it, you'll need to open that Dock using [Setup] & [Browser].
    (The "&" symbol means "Hold down the first button and press the second")

    On the Offline editor:

    • Hold down "F11" and press "F10".
    • That will give you a dialog called "Dock Area Setup".
    • Choose "Console Mimic" from the Top or Bottom area dropdowns
    • Click OK.

    When you close Congo it will save which Docks are open, so "Use Last Data" will open them again.

    Other useful things:

    • Use the Numeric Keypad to type numbers.
      • The numbers across the top of the keyboard are your first ten Master Keys.
    • Type the number first, and then press "Enter"/[Modify] to put the number into a box.
      • This lets you put the same number into many boxes without retyping it.
    • F4 is [Format].
      • Press to cycle between different formats of the area of the screen that currently has a 'gold-outline', including seeing different parts of the console mimic and different ways of seeing Channels.
    • In the Console Mimic, hold CTRL and click to hold down a button until you click another button.
    • Click channel icons to select/deselect them.
    • Double-click a channel to select only that one.


    [edited by: Richard at 2:11 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Aug 21 2012]
  • thanks solved the console mimic issue. still cant enter numbers though. Not sure why. I have  a dual purpose numeric pad on my laptop but the usual ctrl or sift or alt and number aint working.

    Have another issue. I cant resize or move my window 1 one from monitor to monitor. the second window is fine. can move and resize. is there another docking option im missing?


    i found some tutorials though on on a site called lighting The link you have on ETC site download a  file "Congo" that only has Smartfade tutorials in it.

  • thanks solved the console mimic issue. still cant enter numbers though. Not sure why. I have  a dual purpose numeric pad on my laptop but the usual ctrl or sift or alt and number aint working.

    Have another issue. I cant resize or move my window 1 one from monitor to monitor. the second window is fine. can move and resize. is there another docking option im missing?


    i found some tutorials though on on a site called lighting The link you have on ETC site download a  file "Congo" that only has Smartfade tutorials in it.
