Congo tutorials

My Congo tutorial download only brings up smartfade software selection. Why is there so little videos n Congo on YouTube. And last but not least my off line soft ware doesn't have a mimic console tool bar or allows me to change any options like fade times, number of fixtures etc. I have read a lot f good about Congo jr but I have little confidence in the support for it if I can't even get a decent series of tutorial videos or get the software to wor.

  • The "Console Mimic" is what we call a "Dock" in Congo.

    To see it, you'll need to open that Dock using [Setup] & [Browser].
    (The "&" symbol means "Hold down the first button and press the second")

    On the Offline editor:

    • Hold down "F11" and press "F10".
    • That will give you a dialog called "Dock Area Setup".
    • Choose "Console Mimic" from the Top or Bottom area dropdowns
    • Click OK.

    When you close Congo it will save which Docks are open, so "Use Last Data" will open them again.

    Other useful things:

    • Use the Numeric Keypad to type numbers.
      • The numbers across the top of the keyboard are your first ten Master Keys.
    • Type the number first, and then press "Enter"/[Modify] to put the number into a box.
      • This lets you put the same number into many boxes without retyping it.
    • F4 is [Format].
      • Press to cycle between different formats of the area of the screen that currently has a 'gold-outline', including seeing different parts of the console mimic and different ways of seeing Channels.
    • In the Console Mimic, hold CTRL and click to hold down a button until you click another button.
    • Click channel icons to select/deselect them.
    • Double-click a channel to select only that one.


    [edited by: Richard at 2:11 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Aug 21 2012]
  • thanks solved the console mimic issue. still cant enter numbers though. Not sure why. I have  a dual purpose numeric pad on my laptop but the usual ctrl or sift or alt and number aint working.

    Have another issue. I cant resize or move my window 1 one from monitor to monitor. the second window is fine. can move and resize. is there another docking option im missing?


    i found some tutorials though on on a site called lighting The link you have on ETC site download a  file "Congo" that only has Smartfade tutorials in it.

  • Hi Robin, 

    I just tried the above mentioned Link and I see only Congo tutorials


    Can you please try again?

  • hey...yeah. This works. Great. thanks. I want to go through the tutorials to compare with Ion. i have saved link now in my browser.

    The down load is the one that was not getting anything. You may want to check that link.

  • The "dual function" numeric keypads on laptops usually need the (often blue) "Fn" button held down to type any numbers, rather than Ctrl, Shift or Alt.

    To be honest I find those annoying so I have a little USB-connected numeric keypad that I use instead.

    I forgot to mention that you can also hold down "Ctrl" to use the top row of numbers as numbers instead of Master Keys.
    (This may not work in all keyboard layouts, as some need more keys held down than the keyboard itself can physically handle.)

    Look in the "Number" box at the bottom of the Congo window(s).
    It shows the last number there, and it turns blue when you start typing a new number.

  • Nah, that doesnt work on this laptop either....but i realise that even with number lock set for the num. keypad i still have no joy with the offline software. Ill keep trying. because other than that and the fixed screen 1 everyting else seems to be working

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