How do devices change positions with closed dimers - Congo Junior

Hello! I'm trying to learn the way Congo Junior works and I've come to some obstacles. The manual is not very helpful at times either. My question is - how do devices proceed successively from one position to another with closed dimers? 

  • I'm not sure what you mean by this. Could you give an example?

    In general:

    Devices move when told to move, and stay there until told a new position. (Known as "LTP").

    If you mean "When playing a Sequence, pre-position (Mark) while still off, ready for the next Preset", this is the option:

    Sequence attribute playback mode: AutoMark, which is the default for a new play.

    Record your Sequence using the AutoMark and it will Just work - in Live you'll see a blue background to attributes when they are Marking for the next Preset in the Sequence.
    (The time they use is the time for the 'destination' Preset they are marking for, if too slow you can speed this up.)

    Does that help, or did you mean something else?

    [edited by: Richard at 5:10 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Sep 5 2012]
  • Hi there -

    In addition to what Richard has said, you can manually apply a MARK state to an intensity, which may be what you are looking for.You find this command in the Channels softkeys on the LCD display on the console.

    Congo consoles (the whole family) by default store moving light parameters for channels with intensity values above 0%, and no information for channels with intensity at 0%. To get a light to move while dark manually, you need to mark the channel in order to store the parameters that are not intensity.

    However, most of the time, the Automark function Richard mentions takes care of this for you using the following logic:

    If a channel is off in the LIVE tab, and in the next step that channel will move to a new position and fade its intensity above 0%, then that channel will move all parameters other than intensity in the cue before.

    If a channel has intensity above 0% in LIVE, and it will move to a new position with intensity in the next step, that move will happen when the GO is pressed for that step, not beforehand.

    In order for Automark to work, the light does need to be told to fade to 0% intensity - so there's no way for Congo to insert an Automark between two steps where the intensity is above 0%. You will need to insert a step/preset that takes the light out in between.

    Does that help at all?

    Thanks -


    [edited by: sclausen at 5:54 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Sep 5 2012]