Where are my Plays?

As in a topic: where are my plays, I mean Play folder, after instalation of v6.3 Offline Editor software.

I see plays on USB card but folder Play Archive in Congo's browser stays empty, furthermore, when trying to save any play (Save as/Play Archive) I get message: No media available.

What's going on?

I want to upgrade my Congo console from v6.2 to the newest but in this case I am afraid.

Cheers, Andrzej.


I used Sony Vaio VPCEC3C5E with Windows 7 Professional for instalation.

  • Ok, before I get in contact with ETC support somewhere in Germany, I think I found the answer.

    I t is due to bad register value at .../AVAB/ .../Local Settings key. It points Plays to D: drive as on real Congo device.

    But on my PC there is no D: drive so 'media is not available'. I found it returning to earlier installed version. After reinstalation I got the same errors, so I deinstalled Congo again, manually cleared all inputs with 'congo' word in register, and installed those earlier version again. Now it works. :D


  • That sounds like you copied the System Settings from a console onto your PC.

    The Congo installer won't change that Registry key if it already exists, and as you've seen it will create the 'right' ones if the keys aren't there.

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