

Can someone explain to me the options in the master setup page: Inclusive, Inhabit and Exclusive.

Also When I record a look on stage into a master and during rehearsal the director decides to change the look of the master I can not lower the levels of the channels while the master is on and live. Its ônly possible to increase the level but how to decrease a level while watching it live.

Hope someone can help


Filip Congo Kid

Cube521 Marnach Luxembourg

  • The Masters options mean the following:

    • Inclusive
      The Master's intensity output is merged Highest-Takes-Precedence (HTP) with all other Masters and the Main Playback ([A/B])
    • Inhibit
      The Master acts an a 'sub-grandmaster' for the channels it contains, setting a maximum level for those channels.
    • Exclusive
      The Master takes exclusive control of the channels it contains, so levels coming from any other Master or the Main Playback are ignored.

    The reason you can't bring the channel 'down' when it's from a Master is because of that HTP behaviour of an Inclusive Master.

    There are two ways to do this operation, depending on your intention:

    1. Edit the Master itself directly: [Modify] & [Master_Key]
      This opens a tab for the content of the Master, you can then adjust levels and [Update] the Master immediately.
      That's often what you really wanted to do anyway!
    2. Capture the channel: [Capture][Capture]
      This puts you into "Capture" mode, where anything done from the keypad will override all the Masters and the Main Playback.
      A second double-hit of [Capture] takes you out of Capture mode, while the channels you touched will still be Captured.

      To Release the channels back to the Masters & Main Playback, select them and hit [Release].
      Double-hit of [Release] will release all channels, regardless of selection.

    Does that help?

    [edited by: Richard at 5:13 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 19 2013]
  • The Masters options mean the following:

    • Inclusive
      The Master's intensity output is merged Highest-Takes-Precedence (HTP) with all other Masters and the Main Playback ([A/B])
    • Inhibit
      The Master acts an a 'sub-grandmaster' for the channels it contains, setting a maximum level for those channels.
    • Exclusive
      The Master takes exclusive control of the channels it contains, so levels coming from any other Master or the Main Playback are ignored.

    The reason you can't bring the channel 'down' when it's from a Master is because of that HTP behaviour of an Inclusive Master.

    There are two ways to do this operation, depending on your intention:

    1. Edit the Master itself directly: [Modify] & [Master_Key]
      This opens a tab for the content of the Master, you can then adjust levels and [Update] the Master immediately.
      That's often what you really wanted to do anyway!
    2. Capture the channel: [Capture][Capture]
      This puts you into "Capture" mode, where anything done from the keypad will override all the Masters and the Main Playback.
      A second double-hit of [Capture] takes you out of Capture mode, while the channels you touched will still be Captured.

      To Release the channels back to the Masters & Main Playback, select them and hit [Release].
      Double-hit of [Release] will release all channels, regardless of selection.

    Does that help?

    [edited by: Richard at 5:13 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 19 2013]