Congo V4.3.3

Hi, I'm trying to update from V 4.3.1 to V4.3.3 and I'm having no joy.

I expand the downloaded software, rename the file Congo from Congo433

Save it to my stick in a folder labled Software

put the stick in the congo, start it and Congo won't even get to the "heartbeat" screen.

I'd love to get this sorted, any suggestions gratefully accepted.

Parents Reply Children
  • I am glad to hear that you got it working. We are working on an improvement of the software upgrade mechanism to make it easier and less confusing.

    What do you mean with "Version 4.3.3 still drops sequences..."? All types of master content should be preserved when you change master page if the master is up. Otherwise, it will be replaced by the content of the new page.

    However, you might want to try changing the Transparent setting of the master page to allow masters to preserve their content if the new page doesn't contain information for it.

  • Hi

    If I assign a sequence (say a chase) to a master on say page two and then go to page three, when I return to page two, the chase is gone and I have to go to sequence screen, scroll down to the relevent sequence and re assign it to the master fader.

    This only takes a few seconds but is a pain if I forget to do it before the show calls for the chase to be bought up.

  • Some questions to determine the cause of your problem:

    Do you have the Auto-update Master Page otion turned on? If not, content you load to a master won't get automatically recorded into the current master page.

    If you look in the Master Page editor for the master page, can you see that the sequence content has been recorded to the master?

    Does it only happen with sequence or other types of master content as well?

  • Hi

    Yes the auto update master page is turned on.

    Yes the sequence content is shown on the master page editor. change up a master page and back again it dissapears from the master page editor.

    It only happens with sequences.

    Saving the play doesn't help, when the play is reloaded the sequences have dissapeared from the masters.

  • If you open the Master Page editor,do you see the sequences there?

    Are you using different master pages on the upper and lower fader banks? If you use the same master page on both, they will be in conflict with each other since both banks refers to the same page.

  • Hi

    Yes the sequence appears on the Master Page Editor when loaded into a master.

    Once I change pages and come back to the page the sequence was loaded onto, it dissapears from the master page editor and the master it was assigned to.

    Yes I'm using different page numbers for the upper and lower banks of master faders. Generally page 1 on the lower bank and page 2 on the upper.



  • Can you send us a showfile that displays this fault?

    None of us have seen this kind of disappearance before, so we'd really like to work out what's going on!

    The best address is congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com - that way the whole support team team get a copy.

    [edited by: Richard at 12:22 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jan 26 2008]
  • Hi Richard,

    I've sent a show file (my latest standard patch) to

    I've included some basic notes.

    Thanks for your help with this

  • Hi Richard,

    We received an email from you but there seems to be no attachment. I tried to reply to that mail but it couldn't be delivered. If you read this, please send us a new mail with the attachment and I will take a look.

  • Hi

     I have not yet loaded 4.3.3 but enjoyed the same problem with chases etc dissapearing - trained myself to [record][page] every time I load something onto the masters. Works fine. I think the auto save master setting is glitchy.

  • Hi

    Yes sorry about that. I've re-sent the e-mail to with the file attached.

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the play file. I have now analyzed it.

    It seems like you have found the (probably) only situation where the master page isn’t updated automatically! When you load a sequence to a master by pressing the master button in the Sequence List, Congo doesn’t update the page as it should. (Not so many users use this method, which is why we haven’t seen it before.)

    This will be corrected in the next version.

    In the meantime, there are many workarounds:

    Loading a sequence in other ways (like # SEQ & Master or changing the content in the Master Editor) stores it in the page. You can also insert it manually in the Master Page editor.

    PS. For some reason, all replies to your email address bounces. It seems like your server is blocked...

  • Thanks Deonlot,

    I tried your suggestion and it works a treat.

  • Thanks Anders

    The server was down at my end for a while, this would be why e-mails bounced. Sorry about that.

    Thanks for your help with this. Problem sorted.

     Cheers to all.

  • Anders Ekvall:

    It seems like you have found the (probably) only situation where the master page isn’t updated automatically! When you load a sequence to a master by pressing the master button in the Sequence List, Congo doesn’t update the page as it should. (Not so many users use this method, which is why we haven’t seen it before.)

    This will be corrected in the next version.

    In the meantime, there are many workarounds:

    Loading a sequence in other ways (like # SEQ & Master or changing the content in the Master Editor) stores it in the page. You can also insert it manually in the Master Page editor.

    I appear to have stumbled across a similar bug. This is repeatable & easily demonstrated.

    Individual Channels assigned to Masters 21-30 will not operate if the Page Down (-) key then the Page Up (+) key is pressed, or the Page Up (+) key is used to get to the Page the Channel is set on.

    To demonstrate this:-

    1.  Live screen, enter a channel & wheel it up so it's live.
    2.  Select a Master Page using the Up/Down keys ( I started at 5 )
    3.  Hold Preset & Press Master key 21 (Any master in this group of 10 (21-30) does the same thing).
      The channel is assigned to this Master & moving the fader up & down controls the Output intensity on the Live screen & outut to dimmer.
    4. Press Page Down (-) ( Minus Key) on that Bank ( Should be on Page 4)
    5. Press Page Up (+) ( Plus Key) on that Bank (Should be back on Page 5)
    6. The assigned Channel number is correctly displayed on Master, but moving the fader does not change the output, neither on the live screen or actually output to dimmer.

    If you use the Page Up (+) ( Plus Key) (i.e going to page 6) then the Page Down (-) (Minus Key) (i.e back to page 5) to get the Master Page that has been used to store the individual Channel then the fader returns to operating the Channel intensity & outputs correctly.

    The workaround is to go past the page stored using the Page Up (+) (Plus Key) then come back to the correct Page using the Page Down (-) (Minus Key) when wanting to use that section of stored individual Channels.

