
I want to know how I can synchronize a sequence light  with a music CD.
I got this request, but not having the time to study the principle I sent all cues manually with my eyes on the time code CD.

  • You will need a CD player that outputs the Timecode in order to do this - preferably as MIDI Timecode (MTC) as that can plug straight into the console.

    As in this thread, I don't know of any consumer-level units that do this, despite the internals of CD Redbook audio being based on a whole-disk timecode.

    There are professional-grade players with MTC output, and I believe a few of the better DJ CD players do this as well.

    There will also be PC/Mac playback software that can output MTC via a USB>MIDI device, synchronised with audio playback - although not necessarily the CD.
