Midi Time code

I am looking for an easy/ cheap way of controlling the congo using the MTC functions. Does anyone have an idea for a cheap way of syncing a CD deck or PC with cd playback to the Congo Jr using midi cables? The cheapest CD deck i can find with that kind of functionality is around $800. My theater is predominatly a Dance venue so this function will be extremely valuable. Thank you.



  • I've never seen a 'consumer-level' CD player output any form of timecode, so use of MTC will be impossible with those. It's kind of odd, as CDs fundamentally work via a disc-level timecode (it counts from slightly under zero to roughly 70 minutes, and there's generally a 3-second gap between tracks)

    PC playback software that includes MTC probably exists, although it's not something I've looked for.

    As an alternative workaround until you find suitable hard/software that's within budget, you could use the Learn Alerts function in Congo to 'fake' it per track.

    1. Build the sequence for a CD track.
    2. Set up your In/Out times - it'll be difficult to change these later.
    3. Don't set any wait times.
    4. Turn on "Learn Alerts" in Settings
    5. Goto the first step in your sequence
    6. Hit [Go] and the play button on the CD deck at the same time.
    7. Now hit [Go] at the relevant times throughout the track.
    8. Turn off "Learn Alerts"
    9. Hit # [Seq] to open your sequence in a Sequence List
    10. Now look for the "WFA" column - it's full of A's for 'Alert times', and the column to the right has various times in it.
    11. Select the first cell in the column, hit [Column] to select them all.
    12. Hit [Modify] until the column shows entirely W's
    13. Hit [Esc] to close
    14. Now Goto the first step in your sequence
    15. Re-cue the CD player
    16. Hit [Go] and Play at the same time again
    17. Sit back and watch the pretty lightshow

    It's a really sneaky way to cheat, but it's a pain to edit as changing any timings at all will cause it to go out-of-sync.

    It also doesn't sync as well as timecode, as it's only accurate to 0.1sec intervals per step. For short tracks this generally isn't a problem, but does become so on longer tracks or if there are any critical hits in the music.

    [edited by: Richard at 7:20 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 08 2008]
  • I recently used MIDI to control a light show I did for class and I used a USB MIDI controller connected to my laptop.  Sound forge generated the timecode and I used a similar process as Richard.  I didn't use the learn option, I just pulled timestamps from the sound file. 


    [edited by: tpw at 12:26 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 08 2008]
  • HI TPW.

    It is so simple? Soun Forge send MTC in defoult option? Can I use http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MIDISPORT1x1.html ? 

  • Hi,

    If you have a USB-MIDI interface to your computer a great piece of software to have is Midi-ox. http://www.midiox.com/
    It's a nice piece of software that will show what is beeing sent or recieved on the MIDI line. The software is free for personal use. It may take a little testing to understand how it works and what it can do, but it is quite powerfull. Among other things, it can convert incoming MIDI data to something else and send it out. It can also produce MTC, but this would not be of much help for a show situation, but might be helpful for testing of sending/recieveing MTC.

    I agree with others that perhaps the the easiest and cheapest (well, who knows) way to do what you want is by using some sound software on a PC that also generates MTC when playing audio.


  • If you are going to use Sound Forge, you will need to play around with the MIDI options (found under options>MIDI IN/Out)  The link you have looks to be the same hardware i used.  I would definitely check out MIDI OX, it sounds interesting.


    Good luck

    [edited by: tpw at 3:49 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 14 2008]
  • Thanks! We see it is work onMIDI-OX. But in our version Sound Forge doesn't : ( .


    TWP what version of SF You use?  On 9th it is working


    BIG THANKS! Guys

    [edited by: Michał at 5:06 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 15 2008]
  • If you have a Mac available to you, Qlab is available as an affordable full audio playback and show control solution.  With the additon of a $99 USB - MIDI adapter from somewhere like Guitar Center, you've got a show control computer.  I and my colleague have been using this solution for several years now and find it very versatile and perfect for the dance companies we have worked with.  Qlab + Mac Mini + USB-Midi

    [edited by: dmclaughlin at 10:33 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 16 2008]
  • Michal~

    I used version 7.  You will want to look for an option to generate Midi time code.

  • twp!

    On 9th it is working. Thanks.


  • Hi. I have next question... TIME CODE TABLE in SEQ LIST.

    When I create fiew presets and I try instert manualy time code value, congo dont set my values. When I turn on LEARN MODE in SETUP, values are recorded perfect.

    Somebody have that problem?

  • Cześć Michale

    Zgodnie z instrukcją 'Time code must be entered in this format: hh.mm.ss.ff' czyli np. <-- skopiowałem tą wartość z Congo.

    Trzymaj się Chłopaku i do następnego.




  • No właśnie.. ale nie zawsze wchodzi. A w lern mode zapisuje...