Time issues

Hi all,

    We have had a Congo since 06. The question i have is when running a sequence some cues have channel times and when we hit the go button the lights that go out in a set time just blackout. But the werid thing is it is not the same each time i try the cue some times it works and some times it doesn't.Is this a know issue or am i the only one having trouble??

[edited by: gfcld at 3:33 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jan 13 2008]
Parents Reply
  • This is definately an issue. I've experienced it on several productions. We did in fact send one of our Congos to our norwegian representative with the showfile and a description, but they could not find anything wrong or reproduce it.

    To sum this up:

     - The error is periodic and difficult to reproduce

    - It affects channel times randomly through the show

    - Channel times snap instead of fade.

     We've seen this on both our Congo desks, running 4.3.2.

    Needless to say, the result on stage is terrible. You really should make an effort to fix this.
