iRFR iPod app will not connect to Congo Jr. console


I am using a Congo Jr. Console and an iPad with you iRFR App version 1.2.23

The console's IP address has been set up and remote controls are enabled.  If I go to the iPad's wifi settings it says it is connected to the console.  When I go to the app under settings, I can select the jr. as my console and it claims to be connected, however when I return to the app's welcome screen the app will not connect and I get the error message "No Connection. Connection failed.  Connection refused."

I have tried several different fixes, including using different IP addresses, and restarting my equipment, but nothing has worked.  We have also tried to connect to the console with two different iPhones belonging to our employees, also to no avail.  The same iPod has been used to connect to the same Congo Jr. in the past; we've not had a problem before and I don't understand why it will not connect any longer.

I would appreciate any advice you can offer as the inability of the iPad to  connect to the console is hampering our productivity during focus.

Thank you, 

Sarah Flanagan
Assistant to the Production Manager 
Louisiana Tech University 

  • This exactly describes the situation we are having with our congo jr. and the iRFR app. It has worked beautifully in the past, but now will not. Same error messages as well. I have tried with both iphone and ipad. I believe the app version is up to date and is the same one described above. The remote controls are also enabled.

  • Most likely something has changed with the IP settings of the console, WiFi device or iPhone, or physical connections.

    • What error message do you get when you type the console's IP address into the iRFR app? Does it show the signal bars or the "X"?
    • What kind of WiFI device are you using? (Router, Access Point etc)
    • Is the console network connected to a "WAN" or "LAN" port on the WiFi device?
    • What are the IP addresses of the Console, iPhone and WiFi device?

    [edited by: Richard at 8:56 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 28 2014]
  • It is the same message that is described in the first post of this forum thread from Sarah Flanagan. "No Connection. Connection failed.  Connection refused." My situation is identical to hers. The ping test is successful, but when you return to the welcome screen it will not connect. We are using a router and set it up as it is outlined in the ETC website instructions with a static network connection. We have used the app in the past with great success. The console is connected to the WAN port. It is a stand alone network with no internet connection. The ip address of the console has not changed.. We are using V6.4.0 on the console and the apple devices are running ios7.

  • I am running a GIO and I have recently been having problems with my irfr out of nowhere as well.

    The router/console/phone have all worked fine with the same setup for months.

    Two weeks ago I came in and after my phone went to sleep, the connection to the wireless network would be denied until I went up and hard reset the router. Then I could connect again. This week it got worse. Now, it will show one bar with the console connecting, then as I get three steps away, it will drop the console and when I try to connect again, it shows I am connected to the network, but then I get the X when I ping the console that had a bar a few minutes ago. When I do get the app to connect, the delay between when I type the channel and action and when it actually happens is almost a complete minute lapse.

    I tried changing the Network frequencies in the shell settings, though I will admit, I am not absolutely certain which number change affects what action in terms of frequency for the signal. Anyways, it has not made too much difference. No matter what combination I have tried I have only gotten up to three bars, but it still drops after about 3 minutes of connection with the same incredible delay between my typing and the app's response.

    In the past few days I have tried everything from switching to a new router to changing the IP address on the router/phone wifi network- everything but changing the IP address of the console. nothing seems to work.

    any ideas?

  • I am running a GIO and I have recently been having problems with my irfr out of nowhere as well.

    The router/console/phone have all worked fine with the same setup for months.

    Two weeks ago I came in and after my phone went to sleep, the connection to the wireless network would be denied until I went up and hard reset the router. Then I could connect again. This week it got worse. Now, it will show one bar with the console connecting, then as I get three steps away, it will drop the console and when I try to connect again, it shows I am connected to the network, but then I get the X when I ping the console that had a bar a few minutes ago. When I do get the app to connect, the delay between when I type the channel and action and when it actually happens is almost a complete minute lapse.

    I tried changing the Network frequencies in the shell settings, though I will admit, I am not absolutely certain which number change affects what action in terms of frequency for the signal. Anyways, it has not made too much difference. No matter what combination I have tried I have only gotten up to three bars, but it still drops after about 3 minutes of connection with the same incredible delay between my typing and the app's response.

    In the past few days I have tried everything from switching to a new router to changing the IP address on the router/phone wifi network- everything but changing the IP address of the console. nothing seems to work.

    any ideas?

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