Moving light control panel on screen

Apologies for the daft questions - still haven't finished reading the manual and going on a training course next week!  In the meantime, I've noticed on all the promotional pictures of the Congo Jr. there is a window on the screen called something like "moving light control", with the RGB colour picker. However, I can't find it anywhere on my console or in the menus! Can somebody point me to the right place?!

Also, how do you get the screens to split windows top and bottom?



  • The moving light view you mention is called the Moving Light Dock - you can have up to 4 docks open on any screen. The way you get to the Dock setup is to press and hold SETUP and then press TAB. Choose which dock you would like to use, and then choose the content in the drop-down menu. When you close the dialog box, the dock(s) will open. Use BROWSER and the corresponding arrow key to select the Dock you want to work in or adjust (so BROWSER & DOWN arrow will select a dock on the bottom of the screen). Then you can use FORMAT to change formats (in Masters Dock only) or use FORMAT & WHEEL to zoom the contents (Masters and Independents Docks only), or BROWSER & WHEEL to make the dock itself bigger or smaller. Certain kinds of content may only be available in certain docks - for example the ML Dock can only be on the top or bottom, and the Browser can only be on the left or right.

    To split screens, use TAB & DOWN ARROW to split first horizontally, press it again to split vertically. Use TAB & UP ARROW to return to a full screen view.

    I hope that helps -

    Thanks -


  • Hi,

    The Moving Light Dock can be assigned to the to or bottom of a screen from the Dock setup opened with SETUP & BROWSER. On a computer keyboard that is F11 & F10. The just select Moving light dock from one of the dropdown lists.

    A dock can be shown/hidden by double clikcing on it with a mouse. On the Congo you can select a dock by holding down Browser and using the arrows (down arrow for dock in the bottom of the screen and so on). Check Dock Areas in the manual for more info.

     To split tabs horisontally or vertically, hold TAB and press down arrow to split. It will first split it vertically and pressing a second time will split it horisontally.

    Hope it helps,

    Edit: looks like Sarah was faster than me...

    [edited by: okrogell at 6:03 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jan 25 2007]
  • MMMMmmm seems that F11 and F10 doesnt work on version 4.1.2.

    Any ideas

  • The docks weren't introduced until 4.2, so if you're using 4.1.2 it wouldn't work.

    J. R.

  • LOL sorry I'm bad I am using 4.2.1 Oooppss and Ive cracked it now. Please ignore my last post.

    Yep I'm a pillock.


