Hi there,

I am having three questions that I can not find the answer by my self.

1)Link to step. Lets say that I place a link to step 1 to my current step that is 4. How can I make the desk to play this exact loop for 3 times and then to stay on step 4  so  (when the three time loop ends) as soon as I press go it will go to step 5?


2)Chases. I just want to record a chase to a Master. The go Button will trigger that chase and as soon as I press the flash button I want to see the current step of the chase. What I mean is that I want the chase to play on the background and as soon as i press the Flash button I want to have Intensity on. I tried several ways such as creating the chase manually as a sequence or even creating the chase as an effect playback. Neither worked. I also set the flash button to control Intensity only. What happens all the time is as soon as I press the flash button the chase starts from the first step. 




  • Hello Menelaos,

    Q1) I would be tempted to just re-use the presets you want in that sequence . Just insert them into the sequence in the order you wanted   3 times through : 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4  etc.Use wait or follow on times to have them automatically run through those fades.

    The last time it gets to step 4 where it needs to stop just don't have any wait/ follow on  times and step 5 will be waiting in B (next) for you.

    ( I wouldn't use link to step in your example as Congo is great for re-using presets )


  • Hello Menelaos,

    Q1) I would be tempted to just re-use the presets you want in that sequence . Just insert them into the sequence in the order you wanted   3 times through : 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4  etc.Use wait or follow on times to have them automatically run through those fades.

    The last time it gets to step 4 where it needs to stop just don't have any wait/ follow on  times and step 5 will be waiting in B (next) for you.

    ( I wouldn't use link to step in your example as Congo is great for re-using presets )

