Hi there,

I am having three questions that I can not find the answer by my self.

1)Link to step. Lets say that I place a link to step 1 to my current step that is 4. How can I make the desk to play this exact loop for 3 times and then to stay on step 4  so  (when the three time loop ends) as soon as I press go it will go to step 5?


2)Chases. I just want to record a chase to a Master. The go Button will trigger that chase and as soon as I press the flash button I want to see the current step of the chase. What I mean is that I want the chase to play on the background and as soon as i press the Flash button I want to have Intensity on. I tried several ways such as creating the chase manually as a sequence or even creating the chase as an effect playback. Neither worked. I also set the flash button to control Intensity only. What happens all the time is as soon as I press the flash button the chase starts from the first step. 




  • Hello Menelaos,

    Q1) I would be tempted to just re-use the presets you want in that sequence . Just insert them into the sequence in the order you wanted   3 times through : 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4  etc.Use wait or follow on times to have them automatically run through those fades.

    The last time it gets to step 4 where it needs to stop just don't have any wait/ follow on  times and step 5 will be waiting in B (next) for you.

    ( I wouldn't use link to step in your example as Congo is great for re-using presets )


  • Hello Andy,

     Your solution sounds great. 


  • Q2) I made a normal Sequence of 4 steps . wait times on each step . Step 4 was linked to step 1.  when it runs it cycles through each step continuously. Put that sequence on a Master and raised the Master just above zero. Master button was Go/Pause and flash button was momentary.

    With the fader just above zero and pressing 'Go' the sequence runs and hitting the flash button whenever you fancy brings up the intensity wherever the sequence happens to be

    Probably not the classiest way possible but it might do what you're after


  • Hi Andy,

    Although is a solution, thats not the best thing for me. I am mostly working to Concerts and due to the hardware of my Congo JR Master Wing  (the flash button is above the fader) I can easily fade out the fader by mistake. Also most of the times it's a Pain to create Seq chases and most of the times I am using Playback Effect Chases. Unfortunately, I don't think there is any other way of doing it than the one that you are proposing here.


    Thanks anyway!!!!! 

  • You can just record the master @ 1% in your preset, so you won't have to move the fader at all.


    creating seq chase is very easy. Create a new seq, insert or create new presets, then change it to a chaser in the seq page. 

  • By definition, if an Effect Playback is at 0% it is not running. That's the whole point!

    If you want a Chase Effect to run 'in the background', you'll need to put it at 1% Intensity, perhaps from a different Master or from the Main Playback.
    - Remember that the console always has 80 Master Playbacks. If you only have one Wing then you have a lot of spare Masters for this kind of thing!

    The Chase Effect will then run, but it (usually) won't have a visible effect on stage* and you can flash it to Full at any time.

    You will be able to see that the Chase Effect Playback is running in Live as the affected channels will be flashing to 1%.

    * A Content Effect that alters any attributes will still change them, as would a Dynamic although the size would be small.

    [Edit] The "Mark" level is for pre-setting the attributes of the playback and doesn't actually start it, to avoid issues with Content Effects.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:54 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 29 2013]
  • Dear Richard,


    As an End User I am looking at the subject from a different perspective.

    Obviously if an Effect Playback is at 0% it is not running!!!!  I am more than familiar with all the things that you mentioned above.

    My point is that it would be lovely,  a simple thing to be able to work in a simpler way and I am just asking if this can  happen!!!! 


    Thanks anyway, I am guessing that the answer to my question is No.

  • Hi Menelaos -

    Congo consoles can raise masters without actually touching the faders, so you could write a preset/sequence step or a macro that raises the masters with those effects you want running in the background without having to worry that you move the faders back to zero (the advantage of not having motor faders, in this case). 

    Check out the START command. 1 START & Master Key will raise the master to 1% output "electronically" without changing the faders position. Perhaps this can get you the outcome you need now, while we think of a better way to make this happen in a future release? :-)

    The other option is to make a sequence step that has an action macro attached - the action macro allows for a similar function as the START command and has the benefit of allowing you to move many masters to whatever level you want quickly. If you're busking on the same masters all the time, a short sequence could give you on/off control of those masters pretty quickly.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -

