Neue Universen



wir haben jetzt 2 neue Universen integriert - alles soweit kein Problem nur das mir die beiden neuen Universen lediglich in der Output Liste,nicht aber in der Kreisliste angezeigt werden,auch wenn ich was patche.Dazu muß ich sagen das wir das Rename benutzen,ich kann dies aber nur in der Kreisliste tun.

Wie kann ich die Kreisliste für die neuen Universen sichtbar machen?



Sabine Opitz


Theater Dortmund

  • Hallo Sabine,

    I am not sure how you expect the new universes to appear in the Channe List. The Channel List just shows the channels, not outputs. The new universes should be visible in the Output Editor and in the Output List.

    In the Channel List, you should be able to enter the new output addresses when you patch your channels. Do you mean that this isn't possible?


  • Hallo Sabine,

    I am not sure how you expect the new universes to appear in the Channe List. The Channel List just shows the channels, not outputs. The new universes should be visible in the Output Editor and in the Output List.

    In the Channel List, you should be able to enter the new output addresses when you patch your channels. Do you mean that this isn't possible?

