presets in masters



doing a show at the minute and i have loaded my presets into my masters.. one thing im finding annoying is, i save the show and when i come back and turn the desk on the next day, my presets arent on the masters i put them on previously, they are in different ones and some not even there!!

how do i get them to stay in one place??



  • Hi Claire -

    How are you loading the presets onto the masters? And can you check in your console's settings that the "Auto-update Master Page" setting is selected?

    I believe there is a bug regarding loading presets to the masters in one specific way where they don't get recorded to the master page without pressing RECORD & PAGE (but I cannot remember what that method is at the moment), however using # PRESET & MASTER KEY works all the time (unless "Auto-update Master Page" is unchecked).


    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -



  • Hi Claire -

    How are you loading the presets onto the masters? And can you check in your console's settings that the "Auto-update Master Page" setting is selected?

    I believe there is a bug regarding loading presets to the masters in one specific way where they don't get recorded to the master page without pressing RECORD & PAGE (but I cannot remember what that method is at the moment), however using # PRESET & MASTER KEY works all the time (unless "Auto-update Master Page" is unchecked).


    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


