Congo bug


Bei der letztem General Probe, ist mein Kolege mit der Maus in den Browser,Regerenzhandbuch , z.b Preset mehrmaliger doppelten Klick mit der Maus folgendes Problem aufgetaucht. Congo crashed. Manchmal ist es möglich, das Congo eine Fehler Meldung gibt, manchmal aber auch, das Congo fährt in seinen Start Screen ( alle 3 Screen shows CONGO). Habe auch die Software 4.3.3 neu aufgespielt. Das gleiche Problem. Bitte um Abhilfe. This Bug can crash our Show.

Thorsten Scholz


[edited by: Scholle at 6:15 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Feb 27 2008]
  • Sorry for the long response time. Our German support has been trying to contact you on the phone for several days without result. We have some additional questions about the situation

    Do you only get the problem when you double click on items in the Browser-structure? Or does it happen when you click on items inside the help window?

    When there is an error message, we would really like to know what it says. We have no known issues with the help system so we need more information to be able to solve this.

  • Sorry for the long response time. Our German support has been trying to contact you on the phone for several days without result. We have some additional questions about the situation

    Do you only get the problem when you double click on items in the Browser-structure? Or does it happen when you click on items inside the help window?

    When there is an error message, we would really like to know what it says. We have no known issues with the help system so we need more information to be able to solve this.

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