Size and rate into master fader


When i need to assign a dynamic effect to a master and control it rate and size on the master fader, the only way i get to do that was record that dynamic effect into a preset and record that preset in master fader. Now i just need to do the same thing with a chase sequence, and it doesn't work. Can you help me, please!

  • Hi teatromontemor.

    Are you working with the old dynamics effects or with the Effects?? With Effects Dynamics you can press Rate and #Master and you've got Rate on that Master. The same thing to Size and also Rate/Tap to Effects Chase. 

    You can load a Chase Sequence to Master but I think that you only control the intensity of the channels on that chase with the fader. The speed is with times on that sequence.


    Hope that helps something.


    Pedro Alves

  • a sequence chase can be controled with the tap key for BPM or use a second master, choose Type = time master and the number of your seq chase.

    When your TM is at the 50% position, you have original rate

    UP is faster

    Down is slower

    and 0% is pause


