problems with cues not releasing values


I have a little problem with handling led rgb fixtures that are running in chases on the  main playback and on masters.

If a cue has a chase running in it and you fade to the next cue that has no chase running the led's seem to stay in the last colours that they were in during the chase and the new information in the new cue is ignored.

Is there a way around this as when you re insert the cue the values go to the correct ones.

i would like to get to the bottom of this as it is messy to keep re inserting the preset again.




  • Ges, 

    Are you using a Content or Dynamic Effect, or an actual Chase? A chase shouldn't do this, because it only bounces intensities, not attributes. 

    If it's a Content Effect, to quote Richard,


    "A Content Effect continues to run until its Intensity reaches zero, and all Attribute parts of a Content effect are pure LTP. (Intensity is HTP)

    This means it'll continue to run during the downfade and (depending on timing) may override attributes in the incoming preset because of the LTP nature."


    If that's the case, in the second or ending cue, try dumping the Effect Playback's content to Series: Empty and Marking it there. The series content, as ranged attribute data, should snap at the beginning of the crossfade, letting the color in the Preset take over properly. More discussion here:

    If it's a Dynamic Effect (running a sawtooth on a color, for instance?) I'd try dumping ChSource: to S:Empty in the second or ending cue, which I think would have the same result. 

    If it's a true Chase I got nothing. 

  • Anne,

    Thats great, all working fine.




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