Registering for upgrades


At the recent London training, it was mentioned that owners could register somewhere to be notified of, and receive, the upgrades as they're released. I've had a quick nosey around the website but can't find anything, nor have I noticed anything in the documentation (although I STILL haven't finished reading the manual!). Is there somewhere to do this or will it be public domain when upgrades are available?


Parents Reply
  • GShort:
    Ah that's what the package that turned up today from ETC was. Didnt think I was expecting anything!!

    Edit: Just received my parcel today - the next question is... what's it for??

    [edited by: PDD at 4:58 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Feb 12 2007] [edited by: PDD at 4:57 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Feb 12 2007]
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