Hi all.
When we power on our consoles, Congo or Congo Jr. with the new release of Cobalt, we've got 2 diferents things that happen. On Congo Jr the Step 1 of the Main Sequence appears on the A field, so if we've got a Preset, for instance Prs1, it appears on the Live Tab all the channels on that Preset. On Congo the Step 1 appears on B field like always. As a workaround we've got to record a new Preset that is a blackout and insert before the first Preset on the main sequence to no see any channels on after the power up the Congo Jr. This happen in all of the 3 Congo Jrs that we've got so my question is if this is normal or a bug on the Conbalt (Congo+Cobalt)???
About the Wait/Alert time my question is:
Why can we pause but not accelerate or slow down the Wait time??? Sometimes we've got to accelerate the wait time, for instance if an actor moves faster than it supposed to do, but it's impossible to do that. I've got a colleague that find out that we can pause this Wait or Alert time and after the release those leds next to the Go key light up. If the Wait/Alert time is running normally the leds are off and just came on when the crossfade begin. Is this pause but not slow/accelerate normal??? and the leds light up during the release of the pause of the Wait/Alert time??? This happens all consoles.
Pedro Alves