Scroller Chase

We Just got some Source Four Revolutions and I am trying to make a dynamic effect that will make the scroller chase from one end of the string to the other.

I'm stuck.

Any tips / ideas??


  • You mean just run them continuasly?

    you can do that by doing a follow cue or there are ways to do it in the blind...

    I like the follow cues.

    You can just set different levals for the scrollers and then in select follow its a soft key on some boards. Then you can either tell the last one to "link" to the first follow cue or going through once can just be it for that.

    Some scrollers if you check the manual have "continuous" scrolls and it just keeps going back and forth, And you adjust the speed through the address.

  • First of all, remember that all Dynamic Effects work by taking a 'base' value and moving above/below that value.

    So if you're after accurate 'positions', then Dynamics are not the way to do it. Instead, build a chase that's only got the Color attributes recorded for the relevant fixture(s) and use that on a Master.

    Secondly, the attribute for the scroller on a Revolution is called "Color". There aren't any built-in effects that run on the Color attribute, so the first step is to create a Dynamic Effect for that attribute:

    1. Browser > Effect Library [Modify]
    2. Hit [Insert]
    3. Now scroll to the bottom of the list of Effects, and you'll find a blank row.
    4. Enter a name for the effect in the "Text" cell for the new effect.
    5. Move the 'gold' focus box to the "Parameters" cell, and hit [Modify]
    6. Hit [Insert] to add a row.
    7. Under "Parameter", choose "Color"
    8. Under "Table", choose the 'shape' of the effect. You probably want Sine or Sawtooth.
    9. Hit [Esc] to close, remember the effect number you've just created (probably 36 if you've never done this before)
    10. Now select the channels you want, and centre the gel string.
    11. Type the effect number, and hit [Dyn Effect].
    If you hit the 'Dynamics' softkey on the moving light display, you'll be able to adjust the rate, size and spread of the effect using encoders until it looks correct.

    I've attached a showfile with a pre-created Scroller effect that you can import - it's called "Scroll Swipe".

    [edited by: Richard at 2:30 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Apr 13 2008]