Importing from a Strand 300 desk

Hi all,

1) Is it possible to import or convert a disc of memories recorded for use with a Strand 300/500 series desk to use on a Jnr?

2) Do you have a release date for v5 software in the UK.





  • Hi John,

    To import a Strand showfile you need a program called Showport from Strand. You must install this in the root  directory of your windows installation [c:\].

    1. load the show file into Showport
    2. Export it as an ASCII file ( I think it is Menu-> Export-> ASCII)
    3. Load this file from USB as you would load a normal show file

    It will not import Macros or chases. It will work very well if you import a conventional  show. Part cues will be imported as channel times and so on. One thing you have to check are the times on your cues due to the fact that 0 or no time will be replaced with the default go time.


    Hope that helps



  • Hi John,

    To import a Strand showfile you need a program called Showport from Strand. You must install this in the root  directory of your windows installation [c:\].

    1. load the show file into Showport
    2. Export it as an ASCII file ( I think it is Menu-> Export-> ASCII)
    3. Load this file from USB as you would load a normal show file

    It will not import Macros or chases. It will work very well if you import a conventional  show. Part cues will be imported as channel times and so on. One thing you have to check are the times on your cues due to the fact that 0 or no time will be replaced with the default go time.


    Hope that helps


