freeze issues

I'm having a few problems when we use "Freeze". 

The first problem is that when you return back to "On", while the levels onstage stay the same, the preset display in the sequence stack goes away.  Sometimes the refresh key will bring the display back, but not always.  Either way, it seems like an unneccesary keystroke and if it doesn't work it's really hard to tell what preset we were in.

The second problem is that while in freeze, it displays the live output of the attributes rather that accurately showing the attributes in the presets we're looking at in freeze.  If we change the attributes and update, it works, but it's hard to know if it was accurately updated as it's still showing live output.

Any thoughts?




  • Hi,

    Some comments regarding Freeze.

    The preset number "disapearing" in the Main Playback tab is normal behaviour. Why this happens is that when you go into Freeze mode, the whole output of the console is stored into a temporary memory. The whole output means the output from Masters and Main Playback, etc.

    When you un-freeze and return to normal mode, the levels stored in the temporary memory are restored into the A-field. So what you have in the A-field after you return to normal mode is not the preset that was in A when you activated Freeze, it is the values that were output when you activated Freeze. On the stage the look you have while you are in Freeze and what you have when you return to normal mode both look the same, but are infact not exactly the same internally.

    For example if you have Masters on when you activate Freeze, you will see that when you have returned back to normal mode from Freeze, the levels that were coming from the masters are now coming from the A-field and not the masters. The purpose of this functionality is to ensure that the levels on the stage do not change when you un-freeze and return to normal mode.
    If you press Refresh after you have returned to normal mode, you will get the preset number back to the A-field.

    When you active Freeze, the step/preset number that is in the B-field is also remembered and the same step/preset is restored into the B-field when you return to normal mode. This is so that you can easily continue running the show after having been in Freeze (So that you wouldn't need to remember and manually set the sequence to be in the correct place when you return to normal mode).

  • Another issue with freeze is that we have "reverse profiled" some of the lights, so they are on when at 0% and off at 100%.  We have done this for some running lights so they will be on all the time except for the few times that we want to take them out, we bring them to 100%.  This allows for them to be on when we are in cues and when we are not.  I have found though that these profiled lights will turn out when returning from freeze, until I hit refresh.  Is this a bug since we're not returning to the same state upon unfreeze that we left from?
  • Hi Mark -

    When you say "reverse profiled" do you mean you created an inverted dimmer curve or did you create single-parameter devices (Intensity) where you selected the Inverted setting?

    Thanks much -


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