Problems with V5-

I am testing the software V5 on my congo jr:

Here the reports of my first problems:

- Live effects screen: when I click into an field, the virtual keyboard appears on the display. => Correct? For what reason?

- Saving Presets directly into a Master (record + Master): In the master is saved only the last changed channel (intensity), every other (intensity) data ist lost. When I save a Preset directly to the stack, It sems to work. When "copy" the content of a master to another master i have not any problem too.

  • In answer to your first question, the virtual keyboard appears on the display anytime you click on a field with dropdown choices.  When you hit the first letter of that choice it will jump to the first choice that starts with that letter, hit again and it will go to the next one.  This eliminates a lot of scrolling if you know what you're looking for.  I never saw this in the manual (may have missed it), someone from ETC showed me and it really speeds up initial programming.

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • In answer to your first question, the virtual keyboard appears on the display anytime you click on a field with dropdown choices.  When you hit the first letter of that choice it will jump to the first choice that starts with that letter, hit again and it will go to the next one.  This eliminates a lot of scrolling if you know what you're looking for.  I never saw this in the manual (may have missed it), someone from ETC showed me and it really speeds up initial programming.

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • Thank you for the feedback!


    First letters.....As it works with the groups of the strand 500 consoles...

    I had more or less no Channel-Sets etc. prepared on the desk while testing the new effect-section of V5.

    So I couldn't change a lot in this tab!

    Its simpler to do the first experinces with effects V5 when setup in the Play-Setup is "Atribute Editor default = Absolute", I realized!

    Daniel Tschanz
