
Ok am i being really thick here, Ive made my chase in a new seq. I've had to make this up myself without using the wizard function because of the way I wanted this look. Right I have the chase on seq 10 presset 801  to 810 (as its a 10 point chase) and im running my show on seq 1 preset 1 onwards.

At the moent Im having to trigger the chase off a Master sub because I carnt really see a way of building my scene then sticking my 10 part chase over this. Its been a long week and Im really starting to lose my rag now.

Please somebody help before my beloveded Congo goes flying out of the window in frustration :P


Thanking you Carlos

  • Hi Carl,

    You are right that you can only run your chase from a master. What I think you are searching for is a way to trigger your chase from your main sequence. This is easy to do.
    You can create a master link into your main sequnece that triggers the chase. The master link will do the same as you would by taking up the fader or pressing START & Master_key.

    To create the master link, go to the step in your main sequnece where you want to turn on the chase. Then enter # INSERT & Master_key. Where # is the target level where you want the master to fade to. If you want it at full enter 100. And Master_key is the assign key of the master where your chase is.

    Then in the step where you want the chase to go away, enter 0 INSERT & Master_key. This will take the master to zero.

    To see/edit the master links go to the sequence list of your main sequnece and you'll see a column Master Links, pressing Modify in that column for the focused step will open the Master Link list where you can edit the master links settings.

    If you want the chase to fade in/out, you need to set a time for the master. Just press # TIME & Master_key. Please note that the time information for the master is also stored into the Master link. So enter the time for the master before you create the master link.
    When a step with a Master link is loaded into the B-field, it will load the correct content to the master (including timing) that will be triggered with the next GO.

    Hope this makes sence to you.

  • Spot on thank you once again for your helping hand Oskar.


  • Not really a chase question, but a master link question, since it came up. In a play I just finished, I used the master link to trigger a channel up/wait/down to send info to my Keystroke to trigger sound cues. My problem was that everytime the step triggered the master it then blanked out the master until I master paged up and then down again. I found that in the sequence list the Master Page link was set to 0, so everytime I linked a cue to a master it then sent the Master Page to 0. After playing around with this, I found that when I changed the linking to Master Page 1it linked the page automatically and everything worked fine. My question is--is there a way to blank out the Master Page link in the Sequence editor so steps don't trigger the Master Page at all? Thanks, J. R. Lidgett Salina Community Theatre
  • Setting the Master page link on the sequence step to 0 will disable the automatic master page change, just like you want.

    What you are seing sounds more like a behaviour of the Master Link itself. For convenience, we designed master links in such a way that when the master is pulled back to 0 from a master link command, the content get cleared to avoid having master content that was used by master links hanging around. There is no way to turn off this behaviour right now.

    Please note that with Master Links, you can load any type of data into a master and that this isn't connected to the master page content for that master at all. However, it may be a good idea to restore the recorded master page content to the master instead of clearing it. We should probably consider this.


  • Hi J. R.

    I'm a little confused about you description, because I don't think I've ever seen the behaviour you described. I'd really like to see your showfile where this happens. Can you email me your showfile, if you have a copy of it. My email address can be found in my  forum profile.

    Like Anders wrote. Master link and Master Page settings in the Sequence list are two different settings, independent of eachother.


  • I'm out of the office today and don't have access to the show file, but will email it to you in the morning.  Actually what Anders described makes perfect sense and that is what happened.  Like I said, it was easily remedied by linking the pages in every sequence step, but if you set the page link back to 0 you will see that the master disappears every time the link happens.

    J. R.

  • After some testing and thinking we've now found the reason for the masters clearing after use of master links. Master links do not normally clear the content of the master when taken to 0%. The behvaiour J. R. was seeing was caused by the use of GRP-groups on masters together with Master links.

    GRP-groups are "temporary" groups that live only on masters. And the Master link cannot know what channels/levels the GRP has. So when using Master links to trigger GRP-groups the master will look like it is cleared. This is easily avoided by not using GRPs together with Master links. Instead use Groups, Presets or Sequences/Chases. These will work fine.

    And please remember that the Master link also includes what the master content (including timing) was at the time of creation. This is to make sure the right content is triggered by the master link and not just any content that happens to be on the master (if you have changed Masterpages for example).

    Hope it helps,


  • Hey- I am having trouble getting the chase to go away.  I recorded it in one preset, then it stays on and running until we slide the slider up and immediately down on the fader wing.  We cant seem to record the chase as off in a preset.  

    What am I doing wrong here. We followed all the advice given in this section.  



  • Master Links are essentially 'orders' that tell the master to do something, and once they've completed the order they will sit there until told to do something else.

    I presume that your first Master Link is raising the Master to 100%.
    - Therefore, it will stay at 100% until told otherwise, eg by you moving the slider.

    So you'll need a second Master Link in a later Sequence Step to take it back down to zero.

    Easiest way to do this:

    • Play back your Main Playback until the step where you want the chase to stop.
      • The chase will be running
    • [Insert] & [Master_Key_with_Chase]
      • You'll get a Master Link that takes the Master back to zero.
    • Hit [Back] then [Go] to confirm that the link works correctly.

    You can have a look at what each Master Link is doing by looking at them in the Sequence List:

    • [Modify] & [Playback]
    • Select the "Master Link" cell for the right Step
    • [Modify]

    In this view you can edit the Master Link settings directly if you want, eg adjusting In and Out times, or delete the link entirely.

    Finally, Master Links aren't actually recorded in Presets, they're part of Sequence Steps.
    - This is important if you start re-using Presets in other Sequences or on Masters. (Eg as a 'safety look' on a Master somewhere)

    You may also wish to look at the v5 Effects, particularly Chase Effects to see if those are an easier way to get the result you want.
    - These are easier to control than Sequence Chases as you can record them directly into Presets in a similar way to any moving light or scroller, and can be better in some situations.

    There are some tutorials at the top of the forum - Chase Effects, Dynamic Effects, and Content Effects.

  • cknapper said:

    Ok am i being really thick here, Ive made my chase in a new seq. I've had to make this up myself without using the wizard function because of the way I wanted this look. Right I have the chase on seq 10 presset 801  to 810 (as its a 10 point chase) and im running my show on seq 1 preset 1 onwards.

    At the moent Im having to trigger the chase off a Master sub because I carnt really see a way of building my scene then sticking my 10 part chase over this. Its been a long week and Im really starting to lose my rag now.

    Please somebody help before my beloveded Congo goes flying out of the window in frustration :P


    Thanking you Carlos


    If you are familiar with Effect playbacks and Content effects, you could use your presets as content and run the case effect this way instead. This will give you much more control over your effect!


    [edited by: Er1cH at 5:27 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Feb 2 2010]