pixeline 1044

Hi all I only have 2 universe on my congo and want to use 8 pixeline 1044. OK Ive patch 5 on max 1 and run out off channels as I have movers and scrollers and other things on the go. I know I can drop the Pixeline down to 27 cell Res and still use the Effects built in to them but not sure how to patch these on the Congo,

Does any one have a fixture for the pixeline with 27 cell and the effects option, or can I make my own. See I'm not sure if i knock them down on the RES on the unit if the effects then go 28 on wards. Ive emailed pixeline but with no joy as of yet,.


Thanking you in this matter


  • Hello again,

    I don't have any experience with the PixelLine, but I just had a quick look at the PixelLine 1044 manual and to me it looks like you can set them to RES 27ch, but then you will loose the effects since RES is only available in the DMX mode (not in Max1). And DMX mode doesn't have the interal effects.

    In general, about patching LED devices in Congo, my advise is to create a template with just Red, Green and Blue parameters (with "Fade with Intensity" turned ON for all parameters). Then just patch the right ammount of these to match the RGB channels on what ever LED device you have. Note that in Congo version 4.3 this type of template is included into the standard template library.
    To patch a PixelLine in DMX mode with RES 27, you would need to patch 9 of these RGB devices in Congo.

    The "Fade with Intensity" setting in the template will enable you to use the level of the channel in Congo as intensity, even if the LED device doesn't have an intensity channel. The RGB values will then be scaled thru the channel intensity.
    Note that for Fade with Intensity to work in this case, the channels need to be patched to outputs (in addition to the device itself beeing patched). You can do this in the Channel list. Just patch the channels to some outputs you are not using.

    Using a template with just RGB and patching the appropriate number of devices in the console will give you the posibility to use Congos dynamic effects, fan functions, etc. for the LEDs.

    If you use the PixelLine template in the Extended library (which I assume you are doing), all RGB channels of one PixelLine are parameters under the same channel in Congo. Therefore using the dynamic effects of Congo for them wouldn't really work.

    If you use a simple RGB template in Congo and patch it multiple times, you would still have to create an additional template for the effect and other functions of the device (if such functions exist in addition to the RGB channels) and patch it to some channel on Congo. I think programming will be a lot easier if you use a simple RGB template multiple times, than if you use the PixelLine template from the Extended library.


    [edited by: okrogell at 11:52 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Mar 10 2007] [edited by: okrogell at 10:39 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Mar 10 2007]
  • Hi to you to is it me or is it just me having problems / questions on the congo or is everyone else an expert this desk !!!!!!! :P

    OK After long night on my offline congo I believe that I now have all my pixelines patch and my effects working OK and I can create some mean effects using the Congo Dyn as well. I justed knocked out the cells 9 to 18 on my Template and this seemed to work OK (famous last words). Right my next question is about colour RGB. Ive coloured all my individual cells up into colour pallets (so Red has 9 pallets for Red cell 1 to Red cell 9) This works the best for me as I have put these all onto a Master page for me to mix with.

    This works so I can make a look of what I want in what ever Cell and unit I want - Hope this makes sense (so if I wanted Unit 5 Cell 6 in Red I press my direct select for 505 my unit then fade up my master Cell 6 Red) 

    My problem is I've switched the rubberband on so if I don't like the look I can fade each cell out again. Do you think this is a good way of doing it or am I missing a much easier way.


    Cheers Oskar for all your input so far, you help me out loads.

  • Ok, there is a second Rubberband option for masters: "Rubberband return on fade down"

    If you turn Master rubberbanding and return on fadedown ON, then the master will fade into Red, and return back out as you fade it down.

    If you've put an actual Attribute (as opposed to Palette or Preset) directly onto the Master, then it does this automatically anyway. 

  • Ok, there is a second Rubberband option for masters: "Rubberband return on fade down"

    If you turn Master rubberbanding and return on fadedown ON, then the master will fade into Red, and return back out as you fade it down.

    If you've put an actual Attribute (as opposed to Palette or Preset) directly onto the Master, then it does this automatically anyway. 

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