Changing DMX on units.

Im just posting this I think i know what the answer will be but instead of re patching all my Mac just wasnt to see if Im right.

 My Mac 300 goes up in 20 :- 1=100 2=120 3=140 4=160...... We've done this because the movers go around the Council so that patching at over venues is easy so that we dont have to work DMX numbers out. Im not always there and the other techys dont really understand this, so this was the easy way to explain to them and it works.

The question is if I then Patch them to 1=100 2=113 3=126.......... If I then go unit 100 @ colour pallet 67 then Postion 6 and set it off in a circle Dyn will this be the same.

Will this work on all Fixtures, Non dims, scrollers ect.......................

 I know on my old Strand 520i loss some date that I used for shows when I re patched my movers hence this question.



  • Your programmed data will not be affected by you repatching your moving lights. So palettes. presets, etc. will work exactly the same after you repatch.

    Same goes for normal channels.

    The only settings that you will "lose" if you repatch normal channels are the output settings. That means Output curve and Output scaling that you find in the Output list. Since these settings are connected to the output, they will not follow when you repatch channels.


  • One thing to be careful about:
    Don't delete the devices!

    •  If you delete the devices, you lose all the recorded data about them!
    •  If you simply change the DMX start address, all preset and palette data remains - just like you want.
  • Hi all OK, Just finished Ams so I tried to Change the DMX on my units, Checked all My pallets which were still there, But then tried to run my Rock & Roll with my new DMX address and although the units where still in the cue all there ATTS have been wiped.

    OK Panic for a few seconds because it took ages to re-address all of them then calmed down to think as show time was in 50mins !!!!!!!! So I thought to my self if I reload my Preset cues from the show before I did my changes would it reload them............... Yep all my ATTS came back into my Show and it runs as it should.

     So I guest what I'm saying is If you need to change you DMX on your units then Please check all your cues before you go into your show, you might need to reload all your presets like I did.

     Is this a fault or has anyone else come across this. All I did was go into my Devise settings and change the address for each fixture.


    Cheers, Carlos

    [edited by: cknapper at 11:43 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Mar 26 2007]
  • This is strange. Just changing the DMX addresses of the devices shouldn't affect anything that is recorded. You should even be able to change the template to use a nother device and keep all recorded overlapping parameter values.

    When you say that ATTS have been wiped, what exactly does this mean? How was this visible?

    If you opened a Preset Attribute Editor, was it empty?

    If you look in the Devices column in the Preset List, did you see devices recorded there?

    Were recorded values visible but not active on stage (if so, it could be a refresh problem on EDMX)?

    Since this should definitely work, I would like to nail down what caused your problems.


  • Morning Anders,

    Hope all is well, Yes when I run presets and went to the Live Attribute screen. nothing was changing apart from the Intensities and I put my Units in open (All ATTS) and home (50 / 50) and they stayed there for several presets - I pressed GO around 40 times with different presets just to see if it was my programming but nothing happened

    When I went in my preset list and looked down my ATT column they all said 0 instead of the number of ATTS I recorded in this preset. My Dyn worked but only the INST and no other ATTS i.e my colour fades and circle Dyn etc.

    To your preset attribute editor question - Yes All units were empty as 0 was in my Attribute Column.

    Dont think it was a DMX refresh problem because the unit werent changing on the live screen but when I did All Mac 300 at Focus 1, Colour 55, then strobe with my direct select keys it worked they were just not reacting on the GO or when running my preset on Master pages.


    P.S does this means another ETC polo is on my way for finding another Bug XXL please - LOL only kidding.






    [edited by: cknapper at 4:45 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 27 2007]
  • Sorry, I've looking or the new realise and Ive seen that 4.2.1 is on the web, I'm still running 4.2.0 will this be my problem.

    shall I up load this or wait for the new one this week - Or is this the new one !!!!!!!!!!



  • Yes, I suspect that may well be part of the problem!

    Do upgrade the console to 4.2.1, as it fixes several issues - it was released shortly after PLASA last year.

    4.3.0 is still in final testing at present, and we don't know exactly when it will come out as it depends how the testing proceeds.

  • You should definitely upgrade but I would suggest you to wait until 4.3.0 comes out next week.

    I am not sure if the specific problem you had is solved in the new version. But, there are many other fixes and improvements.

  • cool thanks will wait till next week, Hope ive brought up another issue because it's great that people find these to help others out.


  • I have now checked this again. Just changing the DMX address or the Template in Device Settings doens't delete or change any recorded data. This is the way I designed it in the software. This has been true since Congo V4.0 and I don't know about any situations where programmed data has been lost like this.

    Therefore, I really would like to understand what happened in your specific case.

    The only situation when data will be removed is when the device is deleted or recreated. In this case, there will be a warning message about this.

    Did you do any other changes in relation to the problem you had? Did you use the Patch Wizard? Did you change channel numbers or anything else that may have affected the devices?


  • Hi anders sorry toi gie yu so much trouble,

    All I did was open Patching then Device settings, then change the adress for each unit. Just done it again and it was OK. Ill try to make this happen again and ill get back to you on how I did it.



  • Thanks Carlos.

    If you can reproduce it in some way and let me know how, I'd really appreciate it. This should not happen in any case.
