Im just posting this I think i know what the answer will be but instead of re patching all my Mac just wasnt to see if Im right.
My Mac 300 goes up in 20 :- 1=100 2=120 3=140 4=160...... We've done this because the movers go around the Council so that patching at over venues is easy so that we dont have to work DMX numbers out. Im not always there and the other techys dont really understand this, so this was the easy way to explain to them and it works.
The question is if I then Patch them to 1=100 2=113 3=126.......... If I then go unit 100 @ colour pallet 67 then Postion 6 and set it off in a circle Dyn will this be the same.
Will this work on all Fixtures, Non dims, scrollers ect.......................
I know on my old Strand 520i loss some date that I used for shows when I re patched my movers hence this question.