Newbie with a question about networking

Just about the only boards I have worked with until now have been Expression and a few Strand I received the Congo Jr. about two weeks ago. My question is: Can I run both DMX and ETCNet at the same time? Say I wanted to use DMX1 and 2 as my first 2 universes, and wanted to add on the Net3 Gateway and use them for 3-6, would this work? I see a setting in the system preferences about the starting number for ETCNet, would I change this to 1025? Is there any documentation on this?


  • You can run the DMX ports and all the different network protocols (including ETCNet2) at the same time.

    Either you can set the starting number for ETCNet2 to 1025 in which case Congo output 1025-x will appear on EDMX address 1 and upwards.

    Or, you can keep the start address at 1 in which case you will find Congo output 1025-x on EDMX adress 1025 and upwards.

    Hope this helps,


  • In your situation, the easiest is to leave the ETCNet2 Starting Address at 1, and patch your Gateway outputs to vPorts 3,4,5 & 6 using NCE.

    That way, the two ports on the Congo are universes 1 and 2, and the Gateway outputs are universes 3,4,5 & 6. 

    [edited by: Richard at 7:43 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 16 2007]