Bug - Congo with Net3 Remote


Console Firmware:
IO Firmware:
Channels:  3072
Outputs:  2048

My Scenario:  I have the play up and running.  The console is in LIVE mode.  I am up in the cats.  I begin a channel/output (so I know what ouputs are in said channel) check.  I proceed to use the Net3 RFR and go into the Patch portion of the 'controls.'  I type in Channel 10 and see that nothing is patched into that channel.  I then use the left 'scroll' wheel on the left side of the remote and scroll into channel 11.  I then may scroll back to channel 9 (if I am lucky - see what follows).  The remote seems to have locked up.  No response from the keys, etc.  I turn the remote off - wait a few - turn it back on - the remote does not connect.  I climb down from the cats and see that the console is 'locked-up,' 'frozen,' 'messed-up' etc.  On the 3 monitors is the gray slate background with CONGO across them...no response from the console.  I reboot the board.  I repeat the above scenario and have the same results.  I have done this 4 times now.

Attached is my show file labeled Bugged. All y'all feel free to give it a shot (not that you have the time) - but curious to hear your results.




Parents Reply
  • Hi

    while on the subject of the remote I have a couple of questions

    1 when the congo is in AT mode is it possible for the remote to work the same way eg 1 thru 10 @100

    2 I love the funcion of scrolling through the group names on the remote but when you scroll to the desired group why is this not selected rather than having to exit the menu and input #GROUP


