Bug - Congo with Net3 Remote


Console Firmware:
IO Firmware:
Channels:  3072
Outputs:  2048

My Scenario:  I have the play up and running.  The console is in LIVE mode.  I am up in the cats.  I begin a channel/output (so I know what ouputs are in said channel) check.  I proceed to use the Net3 RFR and go into the Patch portion of the 'controls.'  I type in Channel 10 and see that nothing is patched into that channel.  I then use the left 'scroll' wheel on the left side of the remote and scroll into channel 11.  I then may scroll back to channel 9 (if I am lucky - see what follows).  The remote seems to have locked up.  No response from the keys, etc.  I turn the remote off - wait a few - turn it back on - the remote does not connect.  I climb down from the cats and see that the console is 'locked-up,' 'frozen,' 'messed-up' etc.  On the 3 monitors is the gray slate background with CONGO across them...no response from the console.  I reboot the board.  I repeat the above scenario and have the same results.  I have done this 4 times now.

Attached is my show file labeled Bugged. All y'all feel free to give it a shot (not that you have the time) - but curious to hear your results.



