V5 Effects change after power cycle


 I have just been using V5 for the first time, I found the new effects feature very simple to use but appear to be having problems when I return to the desk the next day.

I have stored 3 effects:-

Effect 1 random on front of house

Effect 2 random on stage lights

Effect 3 random on back lights

After programming and setting up these ran great, I could run them manually by selecting for example 3 effect level wheel, I had no problem inserting and running them from a preset (even managed to add more than one effect to a pre-set), then I saved the play.

 When I ran the play the next day the effects did not appear correct, when I ran them manually as above the front of house ran for all 3 effects, checked them all in the editor and all the effects were as set right channel No etc (but did not run that way), the only way I could make them work again was to delete effect 2 and 3 and re-program them and all was ok, till the next day I had the same happen again?

 Hope this all makes sense and thank you in advance.


  • Hi Neil,

    I am assuming that you are using the chase effects.

    If you open the live effects tab, and look at the three effects playbacks, they will show C1 in the cell.

    Select Effect Playback 2.  The 1st attribute wheel under the LCD should show C1.  If you push and hold the wheel button you will get the list of chases.  Wheel down to C2 and release the button.  Now do the same for Effect Playback 3.

    Are the presets running the effects properly?  I think they might.

    It is important to remember that the new effects work like moving lights.  The effect playback is the level control and the elements of the effect are the attributes.  When you power on the console the effects playbacks populate their attributes with the default setting until they are given new values.  The default for a chase effect is C(hase) 1, and that is why your FOH effect played back on all three effects playbacks.

    I hope this helps and doesn't confuse you.  Read Sarah's tutorial about effects at the top of the forum page.  I found that it cleared up a lot of issues that I was confused about.

    Take care,



  • Hi John,

    Thank you very much for that I will try this later this afternoon and let you know how I get on.



  • Hi John,

    Thank you for your help that worked, but like you said every time you switch on again thay all default is 1 again, there should be away of saving that setting so that you do not have to change then every power up (maybe on the next update).



Reply Children
  • Hello Neil,

    The effect playbacks default to Chase 1 after powerup because that is the default value for the effect playbacks. Just like there is a default position for scrollers or moving lights, they all go to the default values when the system is started. Remember that the Effect Playback does not have a fixed relation to the Chases you've made. One Effect playback can control any one of the chases you've made (of course only one at a time). So you could use just one Effect Playback to play back the three chases you have as long as they do not run at the same time.

    The parameters of the Effect playbacks can be recorded into your presets, just like scrollers or moving lights. So if you have a base preset that you always run after powerup, you can record the desired values into the preset. Then every time you run this preset, the Effect playbacks will be set to play the correct chase on each playback.

    Have you had a look at these tutorials?

    Congo v5 Effects package in a nutshell


    Hope this helps,

  • Hi Neil,

    Have you tried saving your effects to a Master?

    Select effect-handle 1
    Hold [Record] and Assign key of any empty master. This will only record your selected channels to the Master and it will save all attributes by default. So everytime you want to playback your effect 1 you only have to bring up that Master.

    I hope that helps....




  • Hi Neil

    When I use the effects on V5 for the first time I've got the same problem but I solved this recording an All Pallete for the chase effect that I'm using on that Preset. So when I record the preset the atributes for that chase where there and on the other Preset I use the same chase effect but with different channels and different parameters and record a new All Pallete and after the new Preset.

    So my advice is to record palletes and when you restart the console the atributes for the Effects will be there.

    Hope that I help


    Pedro Alves

  • Thank you very much everyone for your help and advice, once again this forum has proved Invaluable to me to help me program the Congo because I only use this board once a year for a week without this forum I would not be able to get the best out of this desk.

    So once again thank you to all that have helped and to ETC for this forum.


