1st bigger show on jr/remarks

hello everybody,

I am quite new to congo, and used more to the "programmer"-boards, but programming with a congo is a rather nice and easy thing the more you get used to console, and there is still a lot to explore...

I just did the first more complex show (a tv show with limited programming time, allmost everything would reside on masters) on congo jr. and like to  post a few comments.

 effects: the new effects on v5 are great and easy to use. but there are some things that troubled me sometimes.

groups: it seems that I can only select groups with names. also they have a different numbering. usually I create groups by just recording them as the first channel number (e.g. group 708 is the ML 708-712 on fohtruss) couldnt see these in the effect creation.

all effects seem to be recorded if you check "record all parameters".  this may cause unwanted results. during programming I constantly jump back and forth, rehearsing order differs from running order, so I record a basic cue for every show part with record all params checked, for later editing, thus recording different numbers of effects, up to 40 in the end. (you usually do not increase the number of devices during a programming)

would be nice to have the overall timing control of chasers on the U1/U3 encoders.... 

I was wondering but had no time to try: dymanic templates  have a "ch index" column. does this have an influence on the distribution of the effect? 

screens: the recorded screens seem not to remember the scrolled position. also some screens seem not to be recordable (preset tab, master editor...) 

 client server: we´d have a different operator for followspots / white light on the show.  i`d rather prefer to have possible different masterpages on client/server for this kind of use.

connect a master to masterplayback: there seems to be an issue with this. connecting to a master did not work properly (I had some small sequences with open moves of MLs on masters in go on go mode. go and goto button did not work reliable. sequences had no intensities, just parameters, 1st cue was all params recorded, worked o.k. when I added the cues in the main sequence)

I used the robe700 Mode 2 spots and washes. in template  the zoom parameter was missing, iris labeled strange with a strange default.

thats all I recall for now, thank you for your attention.





  • Hi Michael -

    Here are some comments...


    >>groups: it seems that I can only select groups with names. also they have a different numbering. usually I create groups by just recording them as the first channel number (e.g. group 708 is the ML 708-712 on fohtruss) couldnt see these in the effect creation.

    You can actually select groups without names, but it is much more difficult to do. Because the Effect Playback is like a channel, it uses the parameter range conventions for selection. When using parameter ranges, it's the position in the list of groups, not the recorded group number, that gets used with the wheel key for selection. Because of this you may find it easier to press and hold the wheel key then look to the direct selects for groups selection. Also, you may want to get into the habit of adding text labels to your groups, at the very least enter the group number into the text field. :-)

    >>all effects seem to be recorded if you check "record all parameters".  this may cause unwanted results. during programming I constantly jump back and forth, rehearsing order differs from running order, so I record a basic cue for every show part with record all params checked, for later editing, thus recording different numbers of effects, up to 40 in the end. (you usually do not increase the number of devices during a programming)

    As John said, Effect Playbacks follow the settings for all attribute recording. So, if you have the console set to record ALL or ACTIVE, then that will also include all effect parameters. You may want to change your workflow a little so that you can record all devices without also including your effects by not using the "record all parameters" check box, rather select the devices you want to record into the preset and then press # RECORD & ATTRIB. This will push all attributes of the selected devices only into the preset number you choose.

    >>would be nice to have the overall timing control of chasers on the U1/U3 encoders.... 

    Yes, it would. However this is the one parameter we did not manage to get into the original design. Look for it in a future version. In the mean time, you can create Content effects that do a lot of the same thing that chase effects do. I would suggest perhaps using a content effect in break mode rather than a simple chase. You might like them better. :-)

    >>I was wondering but had no time to try: dymanic templates  have a "ch index" column. does this have an influence on the distribution of the effect? 

    Yes, this will create offsets within the template itself. How that offset manifests itself on stage will depend on how you have selected your channels and set the Offset Relationship parameter.

    >>screens: the recorded screens seem not to remember the scrolled position. also some screens seem not to be recordable (preset tab, master editor...) 

    Possible, I'll take a look.

    >>client server: we´d have a different operator for followspots / white light on the show.  i`d rather prefer to have possible different masterpages on client/server for this kind of use.

    At this time, Masters and the Main Playback are global within the system. I'm not sure if that structure will change in the future. We may have another solution to this problem, but it will take a little time to get it developed and available. Stay tuned...

    >>connect a master to masterplayback: there seems to be an issue with this. connecting to a master did not work properly (I had some small sequences with open moves of MLs on masters in go on go mode. go and goto button did not work reliable. sequences had no intensities, just parameters, 1st cue was all params recorded, worked o.k. when I added the cues in the main sequence)

    When you connect a sequence on a Master to the Master Playback Controls, the fader for that master must still be brought up in order to see intensity from that Sequence - could that be the problem?

    >>I used the robe700 Mode 2 spots and washes. in template  the zoom parameter was missing, iris labeled strange with a strange default.

    Which library (Standard or Extended) did you patch these from?  I will take a look at the definitions...

    I hope this helps - Thanks very much for the comments!



  • hello sarah,

    just replied to john... so there was a crossover, I guess.

    thanks for your answers, yes it helped

    -connecting to masterplayback: actually the sequences on the masters did´nt contain any intensities. just movements, that is attributes, with the ml´s. the go and goto buttons wouldn´t work properly. sometimes it helped to jump seq+, seq- a few times. fader up or down made no difference.

    -channel index: was thinking of an effect were every 2nd of the ML is doing the circlemove the other direction. so I could do an effect with ch-index 1 circle clockwise and ch-index 2 circle anticlockwise in just one effectplayback/dynamic template. would that be the syntax?

    -content effects: I was experiencing the board-gets-stuck phenomena mentioned before when playing with content effects. so I used them rarely.

    as far as I remember it happened when trying to build a content eff. cmy with only one step in the series. clock went spinning for a while. stopped shortly, went spinning again, no way to get out. the 1 step could have been the cause, but I didnt want to try on production.



  • hello sarah,

    just replied to john... so there was a crossover, I guess.

    thanks for your answers, yes it helped

    -connecting to masterplayback: actually the sequences on the masters did´nt contain any intensities. just movements, that is attributes, with the ml´s. the go and goto buttons wouldn´t work properly. sometimes it helped to jump seq+, seq- a few times. fader up or down made no difference.

    -channel index: was thinking of an effect were every 2nd of the ML is doing the circlemove the other direction. so I could do an effect with ch-index 1 circle clockwise and ch-index 2 circle anticlockwise in just one effectplayback/dynamic template. would that be the syntax?

    -content effects: I was experiencing the board-gets-stuck phenomena mentioned before when playing with content effects. so I used them rarely.

    as far as I remember it happened when trying to build a content eff. cmy with only one step in the series. clock went spinning for a while. stopped shortly, went spinning again, no way to get out. the 1 step could have been the cause, but I didnt want to try on production.



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