Anyone know a way to alter the patch from a Client?

We have a Congo and Lightserver in the booth, with a Congo Jr. backstage (250' away). Often the Head LX is in the booth Q'ing and the Asst. is backstage adding lights/circuits. We would like to contine being able to Q on the Congo (server), as well as amend the patch backstage on the Jr. (client). Does anyone out there know a way this might be done? We don't want to start switching the "server" back and forth with a "convert to server" option
Parents Reply
  • I just tried patching the Output Editor, the Output List and in the Channel List and it all worked fine from the Client.

    Could you give us some more information about exactly how you patch? Do you have any additional information that might be important for us to know?

    There is only one global patch in the system so it should be updated from a Client as well.

  • hi there,

     Interestingly enough, one of the new systems (we installed 3 in total)  does allow the patch to be altered from the client. We are running version we use the Output editor when patching.

     The opera house is running the same version as I am in the Studio of the National Arts Centre and their system will not allow the change. Today in the Studio I was able to make any and all changes needed through the Jr. Seems odd to me that two identical systems function differently in this manner.



  • Could your client be in View Only mode?

    A View Only Client can only look at data, and can't change any - that would explain an inability to alter the patch on one system.

    The state of the Client (View Only, Disabled, Full Access) is shown in the top-left of each monitor.
