Anyone know a way to alter the patch from a Client?

We have a Congo and Lightserver in the booth, with a Congo Jr. backstage (250' away). Often the Head LX is in the booth Q'ing and the Asst. is backstage adding lights/circuits. We would like to contine being able to Q on the Congo (server), as well as amend the patch backstage on the Jr. (client). Does anyone out there know a way this might be done? We don't want to start switching the "server" back and forth with a "convert to server" option
Parents Reply
  • hi there,

     Interestingly enough, one of the new systems (we installed 3 in total)  does allow the patch to be altered from the client. We are running version we use the Output editor when patching.

     The opera house is running the same version as I am in the Studio of the National Arts Centre and their system will not allow the change. Today in the Studio I was able to make any and all changes needed through the Jr. Seems odd to me that two identical systems function differently in this manner.


