Group issue with effects

Hi all,


We have noticed that if you edit a group, all groups after the get bumped up by one in the effects playbacks.

The workaround is to delete the group you want to edit and then re-record it under the same number and everything will work.

This will be fixed in v5.1



  • This explains a lot.  I had this happen in the last show I did, all my Dynamic Effects suddenly had the wrong groups in them two days before opening and I couldn't figure out what in the world happened.  I figured it was just a glitch and updated all the presets and luckily didn't edit any groups after that.  Thanks for the heads up!

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • This explains a lot.  I had this happen in the last show I did, all my Dynamic Effects suddenly had the wrong groups in them two days before opening and I couldn't figure out what in the world happened.  I figured it was just a glitch and updated all the presets and luckily didn't edit any groups after that.  Thanks for the heads up!

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

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