ASCII and the Congo

Hi all,

 I am wondering if someone can help me out with an ASCII transfer question.  I am very familiar with ASCII transfer of cues and other data on many consoles.  I work for a dance company and we keep most of our road cues in ASCII because of the ease of cutting and pasting a show together.  The last two times that I have tried to import a ASCII cue file into a Congo (once a Congo and once a Jr.) I have lost the end of the cue list.  The first time it dropped about 15 cues (on the Jr), and this last time we lost 2.  Are there space limitations (seems unlikely)?  Being that we were on the road and I didnt have a lot of experimentation time we just typed in the cues and moved on with life, but I wondered what the real answer was.. or if anyone else had encountered such a thing.

One other question.. when I import I lose all of my zero count cue times. Is it because there is nothing listed as a time in the ASCII file and the Congo doesnt translate it to a zero?  Im sure that there is a good reason, Im just not sure what it is.

Thanks for the help.


Parents Reply
  • I have tested with your show file and it seems to load fine. All cues are included.

    However, it isn't a valid ASCII light cues file since it is missing all the header information as just starts with cues directly. 

    From which console do you get this file?


    About the zero times: Since the Congo doesn't know which console the file comes from (since there is no header), it cannot handle zero times.

    For example, if it was a Strand console, zero times would be translated to 0.1 times to be preserved. This is because in Congo, a zero time means that the default GO time should be used.
