Color palettes not fading manually on Masters--setting?

I think this is just a setting I've not found: quite often I run shows w/color palettes loaded onto the Masters so I can manually push color on the movers. Yesterday, on a show I had copied from another older one, suddenly my colors were triggered automatically when I started the fade, snapping from color to color in 0 seconds. I'm not aware of having changed any master settings, but when I imported settings from another show file the problem went away.

 I compared the Master Settings and Attribute Settings of the pre-import version of the show and the post-import, and saw no differences. Where is this controlled from? I'm sure I'm just missing it somewhere, though I did dig through the manual.Under "Master Playbacks- Times" on p. 117, it says "How the time affects fading the Master manually depends on the Master Settings. See Master Time Settings," which unfortunately isn't a link.

 Anne S

  • Hi Anne.

    My guess is that the setting "Disable Master Rubberband" was set to ON in the Master Settings. This setting will affect rubberbandning (i.e moving the fader up) so that attribute values will snap instead of fade. Could that have been it?

    Also moving light parameters set to Snap in the template will not fade to their new levels, but always snap. Snap is often used in the moving light templates for gobo, color, control, strobe, etc. parameters, where fading thru all values isn't wanted. But I guess you're refering to CMY color palettes, and Snap for CMY-parameters in the template wouldn't normally be set to ON.

    All best,

  • Hi Anne.

    My guess is that the setting "Disable Master Rubberband" was set to ON in the Master Settings. This setting will affect rubberbandning (i.e moving the fader up) so that attribute values will snap instead of fade. Could that have been it?

    Also moving light parameters set to Snap in the template will not fade to their new levels, but always snap. Snap is often used in the moving light templates for gobo, color, control, strobe, etc. parameters, where fading thru all values isn't wanted. But I guess you're refering to CMY color palettes, and Snap for CMY-parameters in the template wouldn't normally be set to ON.

    All best,

  • Hello Oskar!

    "Disable Master Rubberband" was not set to ON for either version of the show. I had actually found an unexpected color snap in the Device Template (a template I inherited and never mess with), but since colors were fading properly in timed sequence steps and masters with times, I decided it wasn't device-related.

    By the way, the desk I'm running is a loaner from ETC--thanks Ben!--with your name on one of the show files from, perhaps, May? My guess is that it simply misses you; halfway through the last paragraph, it crashed. I shall call it the "I Miss Oskar" crash. Perhaps if I copy your photo and stick it to the monitor, it will be happy.

    Anne S
  • Hi Anne,

    Good that you found the source for your attribute timing problem. The Snap setting in the template is a great thing. But depending on the type of use one wants to get out of moving lights, it's good to know that setting is there. Especially for Color and Gobo wheels whether Snap ON or OFF is the right choise depends on personal preference and what you need to do.

    I think the show with my name is my show from the Eurovision 2005 in Kiev, Ukraine. The desk probably and hopefully is not one of the ones we used there. It's a fairly big show, has a nice channel layout and the preset/step texts are a mix of finnish, swedish and english. :o) I spent many many hours programming that show, so yes, maybe it misses me. Together with the show we've been thru a lot, it was a nice two months we spent together. :o)
    Make sure you tell Ben about the place of the crash. Since crashing is something I should not do, no matter how much the desk or the show misses me. ;o)

    All best,

    [edited by: okrogell at 5:03 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Apr 16 2007]
  • I gave Ben what I could, but realistically the crash was most likely caushed by my trying to do eight things at once. While the house was just opening several people came in needing some last-minute changes made--couldn't they see I was posting on the Congo forum? I'm busy here :)--and I most likely missed the 'Stop Working Fool!' hourglass or some similar operator error.

    But I was probably unclear--ultimately, I never actually find out what the color issue was that kept my colors from mixing smoothly. Though there was a snap setting in the device template, it was for the Color Time function only, a parameter I rarely use, whose default/home setting is off; and when I ran a timed crossfade or assigned a time to a master, colors did fade and mix in time, smoothly, so the snap setting was a red herring. 

    I'm not losing sleep over it though. I know I can work around it by importing settings from elsewhere if it should crop up. 
