What's wrong with flash keys???



When using flash keys really fast, sometimes some of the masters get stuck at 100%. How can this happen? Then I have to use the master fader, move it up to 100%, and then move it down to get 0%.

 It is REALLY annoying when master content is a strobe and you can't turn it off...


This is a real issue. Do you have any solution to that?

 Thanks for answering



Parents Reply
  • Finally some progress on this.

    I think I have now found the situation where it happens. It might be related to the use of the FlashOnTime mode. If I turn this mode on, I can make it stuck in the way you describe. Is this what you are using? If so, can you try running with this option turned off?

    (Apparently, it didn't occur to us that this mode could have been turned on, because it is a bit unusual. This is why we didn't find it immediately. Sorry about that.)

    I will work on a fix for this in the next release.
